Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

Eden camp has konza....she got straight from Renee, I believe.;)

ETA: I didn't know they are meat birds. Might try that!

Hi all been slammed. Thanks for the mention. Yes, I have Konza from Renee/Chookschick. 2 adult pair, a few juvies and a couple chix. One hen was raising chicks when she came. Have had them about 2 months now. Hatched a few. Had some health concerns over wonky eggs and locked down to investigate but by all indications was stress and change related. I've just put eggs in the bator and if development looks good I'll feel comfortable offering thier eggs again.

Pictures: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...konza-prarie-rangers-sulmtalers#post_11827427

The boys are MONSTERS - size not temperment. The girls are pretty much daily layers. They're a project in progress. Planning a side shoot crossing with the Sulmtalers and if I like it....will do more.
I've not had them long enough myself to be able to answer that with authority. They don't grow as fast as Franken-chickens (Cx) but don't have the health probs either. If I remember right R said about 4 months about the size of a small turkey. I know the chicks are half as big again in 3 weeks as other LF breeds I have.

4 sweetgrass turkey eggs!!


Packed in a 7 x7 priority box, bubble wrapped and ready for shipping!! Maybe the last of the season as I unplugged their lights. Could get an off poult as Narri tom visited a few weeks ago.

Claim with SOLD, and sent me a pm.

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She is a mad scientist for sure!!! Love her projects-- get them while you can-- her life is moving in a new direction and the birds will be taking a backseat or for some no seat at all. That's life.

A number of us have taken many of her projects on for safekeeping and to go forward with. Konzas in at least 3 places I believe. 3 intent on going forward with the choc/mauve silkied Americaunas that I know of. 2 with marans c opper, solid and choc. MsChickenLittle got the choc cochins and we have some of her orp projects between us.
I'm hoping to get ONE of her black copper marans roosters.
Along with th Konza. He will fit in with my zillion other BCM!!

4 sweetgrass turkey eggs!!


Packed in a 7 x7 priority box, bubble wrapped and ready for shipping!! Maybe the last of the season as I unplugged their lights. Could get an off poult as Narri tom visited a few weeks ago.

Claim with SOLD, and sent me a pm.

Just heard from ehale that 8 out of 12 sweetgrass have hatched!!!!!!!!! Along with most of the buff orpingtons and a few speckled sussex!!!! WHooooooot! THese were all shipped eggs!!!
Up for BIN is 12 Silkie and Sizzle eggs. HENS CHOICE. Price is $30 including S&H. This ends on sunday (9/22) at 7pm central time. If anybody wants them please make a Quoted post saying "TAKEN" then PM me that you claimed them. They will ship out on Monday (9/23) I take paypal only and please pay promptly when claimed.

I pack by bubble wrapping each individual egg and placing them upright in an egg flat and placing another egg flat on top and I tape the bundle so the eggs don't fly out during shipping. I use either plastic grocery bags and or shredded paper to secure the bundle in the middle of the box. There is a bed of the packing material on the bottom of the box. The bundle is placed on top of that then I pack the paper/bags around and on top of the bundle so they are snug in the box so they don't fly around during shipping. At the moment my printer is on the fritz due to useing refurbished ink so I can't print labels. I'll PM the buyer the DC# when I get back from the PO or running errands but the eggs are always the first stop. I don't leave them in the car while I run errands.

The Silkies laying are from 3 pens, each pen has birds that have won in shows. I'll describe each one below their pics.
From the Splash Silkie pen I have a Splash roo that has won in every show he's been in. He came from Bobbi Porto's stock. The hens I bought local and they have been breeding for a while so their crests aren't as poofy as they would be if not breeding. In the pic with the Splash are chicks from my sizzle pen. They are all white as you can see. I showed the 1 pullet I kept and she also won in her first and only show she's been in. She is pictured in a different pen

It was a windy day and we had just gotten home from a long travel from a show.Prince wasn't wanting to do pictures

My porcelain pen does not have a porcelain hen in it. She is split to lav but looks self blue. The chicks I get from this pen are mostly splash and I get some blue. Both the hen and roo are from Bobbi Porto stock and have won in shows The roo has been to more shows than the hen and he has won in every show. The hen has been shown once and she got 3rd place.

They make beautiful SQ chicks. Some of them have been shown also by their buyers.

In my juvie pen I have a Splash Silkie Pullet that is laying and there is a white silkie cockerel thats breeding her. I haven't put her in the splash pen yet because there are chicks in there and the mothers will attack her. (i've tried) She was shown this month and she got 1st place. I don't have a pic of the cockerel right now but he is similar to the roo in the sizzle pen. A pic of him will be with the sizzles when I add their pics.

I found a pic of the white cockerel when he was younger. He is standing with the white pullets to the left and there are black and blue juvies to the right.

In the sizzle pen there are 2 pullets laying. One is black with light blue on her primaries on one wing and a splash that has been shown and won. I didn't get a pic of her with her ribbon. I was busy selling as the show was going on and in a hurry to get home afterwards because it was very hot outside at the time this spring. The roo is a white silkie.

Here are some chicks I hatched. I got 75% frizzled from the sizzle pen

I'm reposting this ad. I have a dozen eggs ready to get mailed monday (9-30) This BIN will end monday at 7pm for shipment to be on tuesday unless claimed in time to mail monday. Only eggs 4 days old and younger will be shipped so you will get fresh eggs. If claimed post SOLD or TAKEN then PM me. My paypal addy is [email protected].

Same birds are laying, same everything except end date of this BIN and that is tuesday (9/30) at 7pm. My printer is on the fritz so I'll send the DC# when I return from the PO.

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