Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

I have never done this but I am getting too many eggs. Pen 1 Has a white houdan roo , a white silkie roo, buff brahma hens, a white polish, and a black silkie hen.
Pen 2 has Blue and Splash Isbars boys, wheaten and blue copper Marans boys, crested cream legbar girls, cuckoo Marans girls, and buff brahma girls.
Shipping for flat rate large box is $15. and change.
We can start at $16 with shipping included
15 eggs total for these assorted eggs.
How much longer on this auction?
If this is BIN, I'll take them! Praying they ship well.

I would have taken them but... no incubator space!
@ promiselandfarm5... FYI.. I have had eggs shipped from them and they are always great to deal with .The eggs were in wonderful condition and I had good hatch rates and beautiful birds!! Here's one of my girls I hatched from them (Pearl)

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