Just need confirmation on 12-14 week pullets


8 Years
Dec 12, 2011
Hi All,

Just wanted to confirm we have pullets. We rescued a few chicks in March to add to our flock, think they are all pullets, but wanted to make sure in case we need to find homes elsewhere.
Since they all are breeds we haven't had before, not confident and would like back up eyes.....

1. Smallest 12 week old lavender orp (very very skittish, she my fly to coop anyway). Pretty sure it's a pullet.
2. Copper Lavender Maran about 14 weeks. Most likely pullet.
3. 14-15 week big black cochin. Sweet thing, but would hate to find out she's a he. She's my spouse's favorite. And hardest for me to figure out since she's so much bigger given the breed differences.

Thanks for the expert eyes!

Hi All,

Just wanted to confirm we have pullets. We rescued a few chicks in March to add to our flock, think they are all pullets, but wanted to make sure in case we need to find homes elsewhere.
Since they all are breeds we haven't had before, not confident and would like back up eyes.....

1. Smallest 12 week old lavender orp (very very skittish, she my fly to coop anyway). Pretty sure it's a pullet.
2. Copper Lavender Maran about 14 weeks. Most likely pullet.
3. 14-15 week big black cochin. Sweet thing, but would hate to find out she's a he. She's my spouse's favorite. And hardest for me to figure out since she's so much bigger given the breed differences.

Thanks for the expert eyes!

The bird on the left in this photo is a rooster. So is the Black Cochin.
Thanks so much for the opinions. Going to give them a few more weeks and see what plays out, shame we can't keep them in our neighborhood if they are boys. I was hoping that my dating was off on age and the the cochins just looked different enough so I was going to be wrong.
My wife and kids are going to be bummed out.

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