Just proceed my 1st 2 bids...questins n lessons .


9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Ok, about 1 hr ago I processed my first 2 birds. What did I learn: be aware of the "splash zone" (the wife was not happy about a few blood drops on her fav tree swing, ooops)...and having the right n sharp tools will make the job much easier (duh)....

Now, I had a hard time removing the neck part that was left inside the birds and also the orgarns that were left after removing the bigger (major) organs like the diggestive system etc. What advive can you give this city boy?

Thank you in advance.
I use a pair of sharp garden shears for the neck. Actually, I rarely use an actual knife. I keep a special pair of garden shears and a pair of kitchen scissors that are just for bird processing. They make it much quicker.
We processed 26 yesterday. I used shears(kitchen scissors) also to cut the neck back as far as it could go. For the gutting we opened up the vent by carfully cutting through the skin and then actually cutting around the vent so it is no longer connected to the body. Then we reached inside and carefully cupped our hand and scooped around the inside to break the membrane when all is loose grab the heart and as that detatches all should come out. I then used either my fingers or a tomato huller to scrape out the lungs they are bright pink all the way inside, once out I used my finger and rubbed it back and forth in the lower lower part of the cavity near the opening to dig in and break up the kidneys. Roosters will also have testicles that look like white beans that can be pulled off above the kidney area and below the lungs. Then a good rinse in clean water and all should be out. I hope my info is correct and that it made sense and wasnt to much info
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Congratulations! If the tree swing is fabric hydrogen peroxide will get the blood out better then anything else. I work in the medical field and that is what we always use to get blood out of our clothes.
Perfect!! Garden shears....great idea!! Will try that next! I used kitchen shears that weren't as sarp as thought they were.

Testicles ....that's what those are...what a pain they were lol. I actually made an incision under the ribcage and pulled everything out and cut the vent with it..looke like a thanksgiving miniature turkey. Just truggled with the lungs n testicles n something else in there lol ....Thanks all!

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