Just put eggs under my broody who's with me? We are back! With Bantams

Chicken Charlotte

Out of the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Ok I just put 9 eggs under my broody, they were $3.00 each the breeds are below! Oh and I will update you every 3 days so stay tuned!
Dad Orpington:
Hen: Rhode island red
Hen: White susex
Hen: Black Australorp
Hen: New hampshire brown
Hen: Orpington

Reply and tell me your breeds! They can be any type of bird you wish!
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Hiya, have a broody hen in a washing basket in my son's bedroom. Gave her 7 eggs this afternoon and she's thrilled to bits, as she's been broody for over a week now ("finally! EGGS!!") I want to give her more eggs, maybe tomorrow morning if it's not too late. Egg donors are mostly Lohmann Silver hens with a RIR cross daddy. Should be an interesting batch of chicks.
It's her second time going broody and she was a good mom to the first lot of chicks, so I'm feeling positive.
I may be too far along for you- mine have been under my broody for 4 days now. However, they were in an incubator for a couple days before that. I figure they're due to hatch on 8/31 or so.

Anyway, rooster is a black copper marans. Six of the eggs were laid by EE, and one by a white leghorn(ish).
Well you may be further ahead but come on, you can still join in!
I put my eggs in the incubator on 8/6. I candled yesterday and 5/8 are developing. Mine are crosses. 1 buff orp roo x easter egger; 2 buff orp roo x barred rock and 2 buff orp roox australorp or buff orp (not sure on which hen laid these!). Also stuck 6 eggs under a broody hen this past Sunday! Those eggs were given to me so not sure what those crosses will be.
One of my broody hens sat today, another 3 days ago. they need such big loads of eggs before they sit. like 20 eggs apiece. the eggs are of various breeds because they all laid them themselves. i have a black PR hen and a white PR hen sitting side by side. Also, one of my silver laced OEG hens is laying a clump in a "hidden" area. she has 6 so far, and i think its going to be a week before she starts to sit.
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My broody was not sitting on anything at all! She likes to just sit and sit and doesn't lay at all while she sits so we thought we would give her something to sit on! She is a buff orpington.
I placed 5 eggs under my broody on Sunday, 14, and 6 more under her the next day. So im about 2-3 days in. Can't wait, i wish they would hurry up and develop!

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