In the Brooder
Just joined BYC, after lurking around for a couple of weeks initially, checking out some of the fabulous information, coop ideas, and pictures! Figured I'd say "Hi!" to my fellow chicken enthusiasts!
My DH and I live about 70 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska, in what's known as the Mat-Su Valley, in a tiny little town called Willow. It's pretty quiet, and rather rural, and I love it. I finally convinced my DH that we should try our hand at raising chickens, he's never had any farm experience, had always been a "city boy", where as when I was young, my family had a rather diverse little farm in rural WI (it all started with the gateway livestock....chickens!...then we got rabbits, and ducks, and geese, and turkeys, and goats, and a cow! We also had a pretty extensive small garden that provided a plethora of vegetables, it was a great experience growing up knowing where your food really comes from.)
Finally got our little babies, just this past Monday! Ordered from Murray McMurray Hatchery, and as much as we were concerned with the whole, Friday ship date (did not realize they shipped that way until AFTER ordering), and knowing that they would be sitting in a post office all of Sunday, they arrived Monday morning, bright and early, and all healthy and alive!
Ordered 25, they gave us an extra free "rare/exotic" chick.....still haven't figured out which one it is
. I think it might be one of the two little silvery/grey/blue-ish sort of colored chicks, but totally not sure. Have identified most of the others, except those two, and a rather large buff one. Not sure if its a Buff Rock, or a Buff Orpington. I guess we'll find out eventually?
And here they all are, their first day home,
after looking at this, I just realized how MUCH they've grown in the few days since we've gotten them!
My DH and I live about 70 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska, in what's known as the Mat-Su Valley, in a tiny little town called Willow. It's pretty quiet, and rather rural, and I love it. I finally convinced my DH that we should try our hand at raising chickens, he's never had any farm experience, had always been a "city boy", where as when I was young, my family had a rather diverse little farm in rural WI (it all started with the gateway livestock....chickens!...then we got rabbits, and ducks, and geese, and turkeys, and goats, and a cow! We also had a pretty extensive small garden that provided a plethora of vegetables, it was a great experience growing up knowing where your food really comes from.)
Finally got our little babies, just this past Monday! Ordered from Murray McMurray Hatchery, and as much as we were concerned with the whole, Friday ship date (did not realize they shipped that way until AFTER ordering), and knowing that they would be sitting in a post office all of Sunday, they arrived Monday morning, bright and early, and all healthy and alive!
Ordered 25, they gave us an extra free "rare/exotic" chick.....still haven't figured out which one it is
And here they all are, their first day home,
after looking at this, I just realized how MUCH they've grown in the few days since we've gotten them!