Just some dumb questions.

Mariella posey

Apr 29, 2020
I just wanted to make a place where I can go and ask dumb questions and not bother anyone as I have them.

Question 1: If I breed a Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster to a Gold Laced Wyandotte hen what color would the babies be?
Question 2: This one is a bit morbid and I'm sorry! Why would my chicks kill and eat one of their own? He was hatched with them and we found him eaten today with no signs of a predator, The batch that was in this pen before also did this???

That's all for now! Thank in advance!
The chicks killed another chick?? Not a full grown or older one? That had to be some serious work... sorry to he even more gruesome... but what did the scene of the crime look like? Entirely eaten? Pecked at?
for your first question all of the hens hatched would be silver and all of the roosters hatched would be i believe a lemony color. your second question this is probably what happened. the chicks started pecking each other for some reason like stress, overcrowding, etc. then this chick started bleeding so all of the chicks zerod in on it and started pecking the wound because they naturally peck at bright red things. this caused the death of your chick, most likely.they also might have piled on top of each other and suffocated him then pecked at him, too
I just wanted to make a place where I can go and ask dumb questions and not bother anyone as I have them.

Question 1: If I breed a Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster to a Gold Laced Wyandotte hen what color would the babies be?
Question 2: This one is a bit morbid and I'm sorry! Why would my chicks kill and eat one of their own? He was hatched with them and we found him eaten today with no signs of a predator, The batch that was in this pen before also did this???

That's all for now! Thank in advance!

Aw I'm so sorry about the chick. Chicks and chickens are very curious and hungry. Unfortunately compassion goes out the window when blood is visible. It's entirely possible the chick sustained an injury and the chicks just finish the job. That nearly happened to one of my chicks, but I found her in the nick of time.
Aw I'm so sorry about the chick. Chicks and chickens are very curious and hungry. Unfortunately compassion goes out the window when blood is visible. It's entirely possible the chick sustained an injury and the chicks just finish the job. That nearly happened to one of my chicks, but I found her in the nick of time.
A couple of my meat birds had they same thing but i took them out and put them in the hospital wing. otherwise they would have died
These chicks are around 8 weeks and they have just been moved to a new pen around a week ago, I'm worried it was from boredom? That chick was healthy and fat yesterday and I didn't see any injuries last-night when I fed them. I'm going to put down some new bedding so they are drier and so they can play in it.
The crime scene was gruesome, most of the meat was picked off it's bones and it's entrails were strewn all over the place, It looked like they were going after it's underside because it's back was mostly intact.
These chicks are around 8 weeks and they have just been moved to a new pen around a week ago, I'm worried it was from boredom? That chick was healthy and fat yesterday and I didn't see any injuries last-night when I fed them. I'm going to put down some new bedding so they are drier and so they can play in it.
The crime scene was gruesome, most of the meat was picked off it's bones and it's entrails were strewn all over the place, It looked like they were going after it's underside because it's back was mostly intact.
Chicks and chickens explore the world with their beaks. Even when they aren't bored, chicks can go after an unusual feather, piece of pine shaving, poop etc that was stuck on the chick and things escalate from there. My free range adult hens, when sitting on my shoulder, will still swing around and come after my eyeball, or peck at my phone when it's open. They check out themselves on the selfie cam, etc. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
Chicken behavior can be very ugly if they are overcrowded. There is a good chance that you have too many birds in that space. So how many birds, and can you measure your coop and run? Post a picture?
It's an 8 ft by 4 ft pen with roughly 30 chicks in it. I let them out a few times a day and here soon I will start moving the pen around to fresh grass.


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I do have another question, are these Buff Rocks? I was told they are but they come in such different shades of color that I have my doubts.


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