just started farming meal worms


9 Years
May 16, 2010
south portland, maine
At the price of meal worms, and the way our girls love em we decided to start growing our own. Started yesterday with a purchased container of worms, some oatmeal and a carrot. Put it all in a plastic container with a latching covered lid that my DH drilled lots of little holes in -- looking forward to the process!!
What size is the container? When do you think they will be multiplied enough to feed? I have a hard enough time feeding the fried ones, I dunno if I could deal with a handful of live wigglers every morning before coffee.
We have a shoe box size plastic container with lid that my DH drilled many small holes in. The meal worms are the larval stage, which have to grow to a pupa then adult beetles which mate and lay eggs which will grow into the meal worms, so the life cycle for new worms will probably take a few weeks anyway. If you search on the BYC website just put in "meal worms" there are a number of threads related to this with all kinds of good suggestions. We are starting out small to see how it goes. Some people have huge tubs full . . .
Ummm... Few months... Not weeks... Takes 3~12+ months for complete cycle; depending on environment conditions. The better the environmental conditions (heat, humidity, food), the faster the life cycle
Ummm... Few months... Not weeks... Takes 3~12+ months for complete cycle; depending on environment conditions. The better the environmental conditions (heat, humidity, food), the faster the life cycle

I did this too and it took a lot longer then expected to get the whole thing going. It was fun and the chickens LOVED the constant supply, but it did take time.

Good luck and have fun.
I started some this past summer and they are doing well. I started it because I had a chicken that was sick alot and she always ate worms. Maybe she was playing me
I have a lady that sold a 1000 for 10 bucks but with one sick girl and 17 jealous girls they go quick. I got a larger plastic bin and put 2 to 3 inches of brain down in the bottom and plunked the worms in. I pain stakingly cut out the top and glued screen in but the "drill several holes" would be a whole lot easier. I have three dfferent bins going now. I also started by seperating each stage...don't do it. Pain in the
My worm lady told me to just keep all stages in one bin for what i wanted them for. She seperated because of the large production she needs. I put a half of potato in for food and water and they also eat the brain. I have gotten used to the worms because they are dry and not slimmy wet. Plus I know they can't get out. I supply worms now for a couple kids that have pet frogs and lizards. It has been kinda fun in a buggy way.
I tryed raising worms once, & like they say Time is Money, & it was a better use of my time to buy the creepy crawlers
I've started a worm farm, so I can feed my girls and get amazing compost. I have about 2,500 now, i think. Meal worms my girls love, but I don't like them
Chickengirl3, Yikes! Did you say 2,500??? We have the little shoebox sized plastic bin sitting in our dining room for the time being. LOL Good grief . . where do you keep all of them??
Months???? I figured we'd be having plenty for our girls like in March. Hmmmm. . . of course my DH is saying he's going to name each worm if they are going to be long term pets.

Anyone ever feel bad for the worms when the chickens grab 'em??

Me Neither.
I staryed my colony in 2009. I ordered 5000 of the large worms. Started with one of those huge rubbermaid totes as they called. Drilled holes in the top for ventilation. Put chicken food, calcium, condensed milk powder, oatmeal, wheat germ, and any other thing that I had on hand that had vitamins and nutrients. Potato, apple or carrot for moisture.

I also used to seperate the different stages but it is very time consuming. With 2 kids, tons of chickens, 2 dogs, 3 cats, work part time, college. Just didn't need one more thing to do.

I now have 3 tubs and trying to get down to 2. I keep them in my spare bathroom so that way they are in cool and warm enough temps.

I was thinking about ordering 5000 more but haven't done it.

And agreed that the cycle does take a bit longer to complete, but once you see beetles you have eggs, but just not ready to start to feed yet

Wish you loads of luck!


Oh and ps I do feel bad about feeding them to my girls.
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