just started farming meal worms

Well that is a tough thing to describe. Do a search for mealworms and then you can see pictures of them also. But mealwoms are a good treat for chickens and I believe bluebirds love them also.

Sorry not to much detail but they don't look like a typical worm, kinda weird looking with little crawler legs on the top upper part of their body. Tannish/light brown in color
It's not a worm, but the larval stage of the darkling beetle. (Tenebrio molitor) They are a big pest in granaries, hence the name "meal" worm.

Like the above post, just do a search on google. I'm not sure why so many people wait until they are told too, cause google has everything.
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chickenlady08 your mealworms are better fed than my DH!
I get 5000 fried mealworms at Fleet Farm for 5.99 so I think I'll stick with them as the girls loooove em but I admire all you frontiersmen who grow yer own.
I have a worm factory, keeps them all in that tiny bin! ordered 2,000 and a week and there was many baby worms, BLAAA

Sometimes I forget to out the potato or apple (only in cold weather, don't want fruit flies) or carrot. Luckily they seem to be pretty hardy thankfully.

I started cleaning out one of the bins yesterday and found tons of little baby worms. I think it neat of how the cycle of their life is.

Fried mealworms! I have never heard of them,. Is that the same kind as the freeze dried ones? I read somewhere that if you have given the live worms then they wont eat the freeze dried ones. Haven't tried it so don't know if it is the case. Have you ever found something your chickens didn't like.
Oh you know what? Maybe they ARE freeze dried. They're dark brown and smell like what I think deep fried mealworms would smell like
and double
so I just assumed they were. All in all I'm just grateful they're dead.
Oh you know what? Maybe they ARE freeze dried. They're dark brown and smell like what I think deep fried mealworms would smell like
and double
so I just assumed they were. All in all I'm just grateful they're dead.

The live ones grossed me out at first also. Still do on occassion, but they still are creepy crawlers. But worms done bother me but a snake would totally make me hurt myself in just trying to get away from it. I have seen the dead worms before and have almost bought a tub of them. But I have no self control and the chickens would make me give them the whole tub because they are the bosses. Haha

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