Just starting to Lay


6 Years
Apr 29, 2013
Hello everyone!
My girls, are now approximately, 15 weeks old. Obviously give or take a week based on what the pet store had to tell us when we got them. (Beginning of May we were told they were 2.5 weeks old) and they in this last week have started to lay. Everywhere I have read, it seems a little early, but I'm not going to complain.
Anyhow, back to my question, when they first begin to lay, do they kind of go on and off laying? I have 4 girls, (2 ISA Browns which will be strictly for laying, not meat, and 2 Columbian Rocks); last week I was starting to get 2 a day. Now it's down to 1 if I get one at all. I'm still fairly new to the whole chicken thing, so I'm just wondering if that's normal when they first start to lay, or when they get on routine of laying, will they go for a few days say laying an egg everyother day, to not at all for several days? And in case it matters, yes, they have been very small eggs, as in, the yolks have been about the size of my thumb nail, but I know that's how they start out also. (lol)
I also know they slow down in the winter, but it's mid summer here and perfect.
Any suggestions, or info would be great. Thanks in advance :)
The pic is a couple weeks old now, the CR's comb and wattles are bright red and the ISA's are very red also, just not quite as red as the CRs.
I think what you are seeing is normal. My RSL started last Wednesday at 16-17 weeks old. First day I got 1, none the next day. Day three I got 2. None on day four. One on day 5 and six. And now today I got 2 again. Out of 6 pullets I think I have 2 that are laying. Mine are small to medium with yolks the size of a quarter.
I would say that's very normal. It might take them a few weeks before it gets to be routine. Also make sure you have them on layer feed otherwise the eggs will continue to be smaller
wow thanks for the fast replies!
The day I saw the first 2 eggs, I went and got layer feed. As well as scratch, grits and oyster shells. haha that was a big purchase!
The second day I had 2 white (ish) eggs. I'm assuming from my CRs. Then there was a couple days of nothing and now it's just 1 a day for the last 3 days.
So based on the responses, this is normal and they shall start laying normally within the next few weeks. That's good to know.

Also, as a funny (but not so much at the time) side note, my neighbour called me at 4am this morning. she heard a big rukus happening in my coop and thought something might be in there getting at them.. turns out it was one of my girls laying. Though it was too dark for me to see which!
I would say that's very normal. It might take them a few weeks before it gets to be routine. Also make sure you have them on layer feed otherwise the eggs will continue to be smaller
This is not true at all. Hens don't need layer feed. High production birds do do better with supplemental calcium. They can get that from layer feed, oyster shell, tums, feeding their own egg shells back to them. Supplemental calcium does not effect size of eggs at all, only shell quality over the long run. A funky shell now and then (or a shell-less egg) do not mean your bird is deficient in calcium, it's just a glitch in her system. Very common for new layers. As is sporadic laying, as you've described. Their systems are new to this and it takes up to a few months to work all the kinks out, but eventually you'll get probably 6 nice sized eggs a week from each of those red girls, and 5 or so from the rocks.

edit--yep, you can eat those first eggs. Might take more of them to make a nice omelet, but they're just as tasty!
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