Just the goose?


Hope Springs Eternal
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8 Years
Jul 16, 2015
I raised 3 geese this year. It was my first experience with geese except for those few instances of running in terror from them as a child. I originally ordered 3 females and a male. The male was DOA.

I'm considering raising another trio next year. Would it be wiser to just get all females? I don't care to breed, and don't want to be terrorized by any goose.

My trio are American buffs, and I've come to enjoy them immensely. Who knew being greeted by geese could be a bright spot in my day. :)

I'm also open for breed suggestions. Should I just stick with the more mild buffs, or is there similar breeds. Thanks for all suggestions. Everything is in the planning phase currently.
I've been quite impressed with my female Pomeranian. She is very mild mannered, quiet, submissive even to the chickens! :confused: Worth taking a look into that breed.

I think if you have no interest in breeding, I would just stick with females. Although, there's something really special in the way a gander cares for his lover/s. But you are right, a couple months out of the year they can be real jerks...
Then again...there's nothing cuter than mama and babies :love Plus we would all love to keep up with your hatch ;):popJust sayin....
Thank you. I'm already dreading collecting eggs next year from them. My muscovy can be viscous, so I'm assuming geese may be the same kind of protective of their eggs?

I was eyeballing Pomeranian after seeing your avatar.

Since geese can be so long lived, and I can't imagine I could butcher one unless they were very aggressive I don't think breeding would be a good fit for me. Plus I would be tempted, and than I'm overrun with geese. :D
We decided to go with 6 more from Stromberg's if I can get them. Thinking 3 Pomeranian, and 3 Toulouse. Thinking maybe a gander or two? Probably one. Any thoughts on which breed would be calmer for a gander? I could get an American buff gander as well. I think all 3 breeds are more mellow?
I have female Toulouse. I did have a Toulouse Gander but I rehomed him he was much more laid back than my Embden that’s why he went instead I don’t think my Embden would be going on 13 if he had gone somewhere else to live boy he’s a handful. I will say more ganders might be a big headache thinking of @jtn42248 and his ganders and they are Toulouse. Buff and Maybe one more? Are you getting more just because you like them or will you be wanting to raise pure breeds for selling or raising for meat?
Mine are a Toulouse/pilgrim mix and they’re just what I wanted, good guards ( better than the dog!) and not too friendly, but not aggressive either. I have a trio and though they like to see what’s going on, they tend to keep to themselves.
I’d always had commercial white geese before and they were very friendly and pretty docile till the fall; they followed me everywhere which was cute at first, going kayaking together, trail walks, we did it all, it got to the point I’d have to go in the front door and sneak out the back so I could get chores and WORK done. That always lasted till fall and it was like a switch was flipped, my friendly pets started attacking everyone everything, including me! Way easier to chop heads after that let me tell ya!
I have female Toulouse. I did have a Toulouse Gander but I rehomed him he was much more laid back than my Embden that’s why he went instead I don’t think my Embden would be going on 13 if he had gone somewhere else to live boy he’s a handful. I will say more ganders might be a big headache thinking of @jtn42248 and his ganders and they are Toulouse. Buff and Maybe one more? Are you getting more just because you like them or will you be wanting to raise pure breeds for selling or raising for meat?
I'm getting more just because they are a hoot. I don't want to breed, so I'm debating the gander. I don't want to deal with any aggression because we would probably just butcher as I'm getting too old and crippled to have trouble making critters, especially anything I have to run from because I can't anymore. :oops: If you say skip the gander I will listen to that advice as I'm on the fence about getting one. My girls I like a lot, but we haven't gone through a laying season yet. Hopefully they don't turn into beasts.
Mine are a Toulouse/pilgrim mix and they’re just what I wanted, good guards ( better than the dog!) and not too friendly, but not aggressive either. I have a trio and though they like to see what’s going on, they tend to keep to themselves.
I’d always had commercial white geese before and they were very friendly and pretty docile till the fall; they followed me everywhere which was cute at first, going kayaking together, trail walks, we did it all, it got to the point I’d have to go in the front door and sneak out the back so I could get chores and WORK done. That always lasted till fall and it was like a switch was flipped, my friendly pets started attacking everyone everything, including me! Way easier to chop heads after that let me tell ya!
Hopefully my girls don't turn on me. I didn't over bond with them so hopefully that will help. They stay back, and move away if I go towards them. I don't want geese harassing anyone here, so hopefully they behave.

Mine have bonded to my goats and they follow them around mostly.

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