Just wanted to introduce myself...

Hey all! Our family is fairly new to chicken! We got our chickens as baby chicks a year and a half ago.
We currently have 5 chickens. We started with 8. However one chick died a couple days after receiving them. The other 2 had escaped the yard and met their unfortunate fate with a dog. But the 5 we have now are all good and well :) Two of them are Leghorns, 2 of them I believer are Rhode Island Reds and the other I am not entirely sure... she is mostly red with a white bum.
It has been such a joy having chickens! We have 2 kids a boy (8 yrs old) and girl (6 yrs old) and they have greatly enjoyed having them! It has been a such great experience. Although my kids are going through a "scared" phase right now. The chicken we refer to as Mama Hen, for some reason is not a fan of my son. We are not really sure what the deal is there, but if anyone has some advice on how to correct this relationship I would greatly appreciate the advice!

I am really excited to have become apart of this community! I've come across BYC through a google search on a few questions I've had about my chickens. I find answers here continually and decided to join. I look forward to getting to know y'all!
Welcome to BYC!!

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