Just Won!:Little Giant 9200 Incubator and 6300 Egg Turner!!!


10 Years
Jan 29, 2009
Martin County, NC
Any feedback on those who use this or any suggestions? Thanks! I'm really looking forward to getting started.

And I would really appreciate any insight from those who use incabation to hatch eggs, and any tips for a beginner, thanks again.

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Have the temps adjusted before you ever think of putting eggs in the bator. Put either water ballons and little sand bags in it for volume. Bring it up to temp and let it steady out for at least a day. Turn it off and let the temp go down
to room temp. Then turn it back on and see where the temp stops. DO NOT MAKE ANY ADJUSTMENTS THIS TIME. Once it reachs the the peak temp, record it and make every small adjustments until hatching temp is reached. Do this as many times as it takes until when you turn it on, it stops at your hatching temp. Then try 5 or 6 mutt egg batches. Once you have this down you can go on some pure breed eggs. Good luck and enjoy the thousand of little chicks you will hatch over the next few years. The LG is touchy, so never make any big adjustments to it. I have many of them and have learned over the years not to touch them once the hatching process has started. Candle your eggs before you place them in the bator and again on day 18.
Never open the bator unless you can smell a bad egg in the bator. Figure out how you will add water without opining the bator if the humidity drops. Think of all the worst things that can happen and what you will do to make it right.
Mine has been great so far....my duck is hatching 5 days early right now! Hopefully 8 more to go by their due date!
I've got the same setup. Only thing I did was add a fan. Holds temps steady.

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