Just Would Like Some Prayers, UPDATE

Oh, I agree. This is my youngest, I have four older grown kids. I tell them I wasnt gray until they turned into teenagers.
(Of course they had no desire to live with THEIR dad because of the abuse he put me through. I finally had the courage to leave with three little kids, pregnant with the fourth, nothing but the clothing on our backs. But we were ALIVE.)
Again, I appreciate the support, it does help me put things in perspective.
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Things have been a little quieter around here for the past day or so and she hasnt brought up the subject once. Thanks for the many prayers, I really think it helped defuse the situation. And I am calmer, thinking more rationally.
That's so good to hear. Prayer will do that, as long as you're willing. God is sooooo good! Thanks for the update, and keep your chin up. She will notice your calmness, which is like honey to bees.
My sister is doing the same thing. My dad is nuts, to the point of pouring bleach all over my mom's stuff and putting a broken wine glass in her bed, snapped stem up, so that if she laid down it would impale her. He abused me and my mom horribly in front of my 5 younger siblings, and she was actually around to see it. But when she wanted to do something my mom didn't want her doing (moving in with her 22 yr old b/f at 17) she said she was gonna live with her dad. Go figure. She didn't end up moving, I think she really thought about it long and hard and realized it wasn't a good idea. I hope everything works out, God, keep them close to Your heart, Your will be done.


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