Jw Who here has CHerokee indian in them and knows about the TOT


11 Years
Dec 13, 2008
Hayward, Ca
I come from a strong line of the cherokee indian past, it was eathier my great grandma or my great great grandma that died on the trail of tears, luckily her kids made it through to the end, so i was just wondering if anyone else here has indian in them especially Cherokee
both sides for me also! 1 of my gr,gr,grandma's died on her way back to Ga. on the trail of tears! My mom currently lives on the trail of tears in Tennessee. I am also a proud memember of a tribe here in Alabama!
unfortunetly i live her ein california where there isnt that many Cherokees living lol my mom was originally from Oklahoma at the end of the trail we too are related back to the chief
have any of you guys gone to like the monuments or to some of the places the cherokees settled into after their forced move i did and it was nice to see what it was like for them we even went to the original grav sites it was an experiance this was all in Oklahoma tho
I have never been to Oklahoma but hope to 1 day.......I have been to several of the original Cherokee sites, you know the Ga./Tn.NC areas.
Ever hear of Red Clay? The last council grounds before the forced march! Also Ross's Landing?

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