Kallie laid her first real egg today! HOORAY!


6 Years
Aug 13, 2014
Portland, Oregon
A couple of days ago, I found TWO of these weird rubber eggs in the coop.

Today I got my first "real" egg!
I watched Kallie go up into the roosting house and heard her come out singing the egg song.
I checked the nesting box (I've moved it there) and voila!

Now I'm curious if SHE laid TWO rubber eggs? Is that possible?
Or is Hattie getting ready to lay too!?

WHAHOOOO!!!! Congrats! That's exciting stuff!!
Congratulations on the egg!

It's possible that she laid both of the soft shelled eggs. New layers often have small glitches in their reproductive tracts that can cause problems like soft shelled eggs, incomplete eggs, etc. But, it's just as likely that your other chicken has started, too!
Well now I'm bummed again.

This morning, I checked and there was nothing.
Later this morning, there were TWO rubber eggs.
One was broken - not sure if the chicken did it - and one was whole.

Can one chicken lay two rubber eggs in a day?
Or do I have another chicken starting to lay?

And once they lay a "real" egg, do they still lay rubber eggs?
Well now I'm bummed again.

This morning, I checked and there was nothing.
Later this morning, there were TWO rubber eggs.
One was broken - not sure if the chicken did it - and one was whole.

Can one chicken lay two rubber eggs in a day?
Or do I have another chicken starting to lay?

And once they lay a "real" egg, do they still lay rubber eggs?

Yes, a chicken can lay two rubber eggs in one day. They result when two yolks are released from the ovary around the same time. Both eggs are then laid shortly after each other. However, it is just as likely that you have another bird beginning to lay.

Rubber or soft-shelled eggs can still happen even once a bird has laid a correct egg. She is still new to egg laying and hasn't worked it all out yet. Even older hens can have trouble with soft shelled eggs. Make sure that she is getting enough calcium (feed layer feed, and possibly supplment with crushed oyster shell or egg shell).

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