Kansas City area chicken ordinances - clarification needed

your best bet is to call the sheriffs office or housing inspector and ask them. I got emails from the officals of the areas we might plan to move to stating the chicken laws. As an example i got stated that there are no chicken laws in Whitley County. Get them to send you a email, if you get problems you got them to back you up.
We will discuss this issue with the UDO sub-committee & Governing Body but I should caution you that there may be not be enough support to amend the ordinance and even if it was recommended to study further, it takes months to get scheduled for an actual public hearing. It would be much quicker and more likely to get a special use permit approved than wait for an ordinance amendment. Please let me know if you would like to apply for a special use permit and we can schedule a pre-application meeting. Thanks.

Sean Pendley, AICP

Senior Planner | City of Olathe , Kansas

Public Works Department | City Planning Division


913-971-8662 | [email protected] | www.planolathe.com
I found another couple that currently has chickens down the road from me and they are interested in getting the ordinance changed as well. I think if we spend a little time rooting around we may find the support that we need and the support that the Senior Planner thinks doesn't exist.

Rob (pikeman94)
have you found out anything about Olathe. My neighbor across the street built a beautiful little coop and only has 4 hens. The city left a letter yesterday giving him 21 days to get rid of them. We live in an older neighborhood with no HOA. I can't imagine that anyone complained because you wouldn't even know they are there...
have you found out anything about Olathe. My neighbor across the street built a beautiful little coop and only has 4 hens. The city left a letter yesterday giving him 21 days to get rid of them. We live in an older neighborhood with no HOA. I can't imagine that anyone complained because you wouldn't even know they are there...

lldav67 - where is he located in Olathe? I haven't heard anything more. What I have heard is more people with chickens in Olathe. PM if you want to talk more about this.
No Roosters. Permit required. Get it down town. 100 yrds. from property will need neighbors ok on permit. return to kc.
15 chicks is the limit.
Kansas City Missouri. Hens only no roosters. Permit required,obtained from city. 15 is the limit. all neighbors must sign permit 100 yards from your property line.
Why should your need for chickens in your backyard supersede my need to maintain my property values? If you want chickens, goats, pigs, horses, move to the country where you don't have to worry about neighbors,etc. maybe noise isn't the factor..smell is key here.
Maybe that smell you're noticing is attitude on your upper lip. If your neighbor's chickens reduce the value of your property, perhaps it was not worth what you thought to start with. I know I would not regard a home's value as lower because a neighbor had chickens any more than I'd regard it higher because said neighbor was a rich yuppie who owned a Ferrari. Minding one's own business is a lost art in this country. It used to be taught in elementary school....on the playground....by other kids. Now, little punks grow up thinking it's their "duty" to tell others what they can and cannot do. Ah, how useful a broken axe/shovel/pick handle can be at times.....

If an ugly, homely person moves in next door, does that improve or damage your looks? If a tall person moves in, does that make you feel taller or shorter? Rather stupid isn't it? The idea that less than $100 worth of chickens can lower the value of your home/property is preposterous. What if the Clampetts moved in next door? Goats, chickens, you name it....and enough money to buy everything you own and have plenty of money left. What if Bill Gates moved in next door and protested YOUR way of life because you're so far beneath him?
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