Kate's Sassy Seramas

Of course you are:D
Yes they are related, I believe you have a fun sibling to both of those birds that hatched! They tend to produce the same color pattern a lot, so I can guess most of the time after they hatch. I can't wait to see pictures and I am glad that my birds turned out well!
So exciting! She is beautiful too!! I will put you on my list a well!
I agree too, it it not always about the quality of the birds you have. But, more so about if you enjoy seramas. My favorite serama was a disabled frizzle hen that someone gave to me. They didn't want her because she wasn't "good" quality and couldn'y be used for breeding. She actually played eggs and I got 2 gorgeous frizzles from her before she died. I loved her to pieces, but unfortunately she passed our to complications. 

Here she is in her "nesting box". She laid that first egg on the roof of my mini coop, so I had to come up with something quick. It's an old desk drawer. lol
I just want to say how happy I am to hear you all say such kind things. It's heartwarming to me that your priorities match mine. Of course I want gorgeous, upright birds with perfect confirmation. But realistically, I'll probably never show mine (Wisconsin isn't exactly the Serama capital of the country), they are my pets first and foremost. Thank you all for your encouraging words! And I think I need Tiny Tim and Cinnamon to come live with me. lol
Everybody's birds are gorgeous btw!
we finished one of the two new shelf breeding pens! I love them so much! The birds can stay much drier and warmer. So far half of mine have moved in. It fits about 4 comfortably, but I have only 3 in each one. I made chicken tractors too, so that they can go outside when the weather is better!

Not to mention how well behaved the roosters have been throughout all of this renovations! Spartan had to live with three other roosters for 2 months and he tolerated it awesome! He didn't hurt or attack any of them! That goes to show what breeding for temperament can do!

How are all your guys birds doing?
Pretty neat! My roosters also get along fairly well in sharing space-well, most of them do.

My birds are doing well, but still having EE chicks DIS while hatching. Possibly my serama are just too small for brooding such large eggs.
Yesterday was a sad day, Truffles died unexpectedly out of no where. He was one of the sweetest and best quality seramas. He will be deeply missed:(

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