Kdogg331 Chat Thread

Take your time and decide what's best for you long term. :hugs

I've been known overeat especially when younger. :)

You do more training than I ever did. We are hot and steamy here again. Rain sounds nice, though we need of to stop raining long enough to cut and bale our hay.
Take your time and decide what's best for you long term. :hugs

I've been known overeat especially when younger. :)

You do more training than I ever did. We are hot and steamy here again. Rain sounds nice, though we need of to stop raining long enough to cut and bale our hay.

Thank you! I will :hugs

Yeah, I think I had like 2 whole cans of tuna lol or almost 2 cans on an extra long hot dog roll, buttered and toasted. Was delicious but I probably could have stopped eating halfway lol idk why I kept eating it. Oh well. Won't be hungry for a while now lol

It's fun for me and I've done a lot of research and read articles, watched videos, read books (well, parts lol), etc. etc. so I've accumulated a decent amount of knowledge and find cool ideas that way. Still constantly researching though cause, again, fun for me lol I know, weird. I especially like the training games though.

Also sometimes it's not even so much just about training her as it is about it's raining and I needed to do something with her brain lol

A lot of my training is like that, just spur of the moment/random. Wasn't intending to teach it but we did.

And a lot of it builds life skills too. So for example, hopefully now she may be less distractable in the future in other things. And she knows wait and working on an auto sit, both very useful for many things in life. So sometimes it's not necessarily about only teaching sit or down or basic obedience things like that or just getting them to listen but also life skills and kind of how to listen and how to learn and how to calm down even in exciting situations, and stuff like that. Not necessary by any means but can be very helpful and make life easier. And I have fun doing it and it tires her out faster so I do it.

Humid here too.

I'm thinking the rain will be good for the plants.
Yuck, I hate headaches. I sometimes get eye migraines, which aren't really painful but yet they are. They are weird, and I can't see well for about 1/2 an hour, than 24 hours of a weird headache that hurts more when I cough or sneeze. Most of my headaches are from my messed up crunchy neck. Hopefully you feel better soon. I couldn't survive without ibuprofen. :old
Yuck, I hate headaches. I sometimes get eye migraines, which aren't really painful but yet they are. They are weird, and I can't see well for about 1/2 an hour, than 24 hours of a weird headache that hurts more when I cough or sneeze. Most of my headaches are from my messed up crunchy neck. Hopefully you feel better soon. I couldn't survive without ibuprofen. :old

That sounds awful! Sometimes I think mine might be neck or jaw pain because I crack my neck a lot and possibly have TMJ but this one I'm pretty sure is sinus because my nose was stuffed up this morning/still kinda is and it's so humid out and polleny and the pain is exactly in the nose/under eyes/sinus region and feels like pressure. So I took this.


I've never taken it before. Hope it works.

I've been trying not to take OTC meds too much because I've also got some digestive issues and possibly some other issue and I've read they can damage organs so I'm paranoid that's the cause. They say Advil damages kidneys and Tylenol damages liver and I take both a lot but especially Advil and Excedrin because of the migraines so I am paranoid. I almost took Excedrin today but since it's more of a sinus issue I wanted to try this especially since this also includes a mass decongestant. Though my dad says it's like speed lol idk if that's true but I hope I don't get too hyper. Already kicking in and feeling it though.

I like your novels. :)

Aww thanks!
I have been taking ibuprofen for 30 years nearly daily at 6-9 a day. Doctors all go nuts when I mention it. Thankfully so far it hasn't given me any troubles. I always wonder how people survived before pain relievers.

I don't care for too many meds either, but I prefer those OTC to stuff the doctors like to push on you. I hope yours help.

My friend takes Excedrin, it does have caffeine in it, so it can get you going if you take too much.
I have been taking ibuprofen for 30 years nearly daily at 6-9 a day. Doctors all go nuts when I mention it. Thankfully so far it hasn't given me any troubles. I always wonder how people survived before pain relievers.

I don't care for too many meds either, but I prefer those OTC to stuff the doctors like to push on you. I hope yours help.

My friend takes Excedrin, it does have caffeine in it, so it can get you going if you take too much.

6-9 a day!? Wow! I usually only take two later in the day but it was somewhat often and yeah, I thought I took a lot lol But yeah, having no pain relievers would suck. I've been trying other things though like sometimes heating pads or compresses or natural stuff.

And that's true haha some of that stuff is impossible to get off of too

Yeah, the Excedrin does sometimes give me anxiety so I try not to take too much, but my dad thought the stuff I took today hyped you up. I don't think it does. Idk.

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