Kdogg331 Chat Thread

I have always used whisper filters with my goldfish. What size is yours? I would be using a 25-40 gallon one. You must be doing something right as they are thriving. Lots of professional goldfish keepers use no filtration, and just do big water changes more often. Again, I don't know why they are trying to scare you. It's not like are in a 10 gallon or a bowl.

I just checked and it says 10-30i. So I guess maybe it isn't big enough? Idk.

But yeah exactly! I mean, I don't think they're necessarily doing it intentionally or to be mean, just trying to be helpful and/or help the fish, but saying they're going to die immediately isn't entirely accurate either, could say try to get a bigger tank or pond ASAP rather than saying everything that can go wrong if I don't.

And exactly. Sooo many people keep them in bowls and they die lile 2 weeks later. They've lived a year and a half already.

Sadly though we used to have goldfish in bowls but we were little kids.

Speaking of which, that whole giving out goldfish at fairs thing also annoys me and should be considered animal cruelty
No they're apart of my first flock I have 6 more other adult hens. Wyandotte, Americauna, Black Sex link, Isla brownsbrowns and a Buff orpignton.

Nice!! I got my first chickens 2 1/2 years ago. We have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. I had 2 Barred Rocks and 3 Buff Orpingtons but the second Barred Rock died at 6 days old and I just lost an Orpington in the fall to a hawk :(
I just checked and it says 10-30i. So I guess maybe it isn't big enough? Idk.

But yeah exactly! I mean, I don't think they're necessarily doing it intentionally or to be mean, just trying to be helpful and/or help the fish, but saying they're going to die immediately isn't entirely accurate either, could say try to get a bigger tank or pond ASAP rather than saying everything that can go wrong if I don't.

And exactly. Sooo many people keep them in bowls and they die lile 2 weeks later. They've lived a year and a half already.

Sadly though we used to have goldfish in bowls but we were little kids.

Speaking of which, that whole giving out goldfish at fairs thing also annoys me and should be considered animal cruelty
Goldfish are abused daily in the world. Yours are not. That filter is fine. I rinse my filter every few days with a hose sprayer to remove gunk and get a longer life out of them. Change your filter as necessary.

Problem with their information is they don't understand the original habitat of the goldfish. They are adapted to live in a more polluted water. They are related to carp, and are omnivores. They are less stressed by changing water conditions. They do have a higher need for oxygen in their water.

No one pointed out the use of the 20 long tank allows more surface air exchange. They did not point out what you have done right.

You are intending to move them at some point this year. That's fine. They aren't gonna die. Maybe those people don't understand goldfish. :confused: I know I don't know it all, but I do know how to keep goldfish otherwise my oldest wouldn't be 15-16 years old.
Goldfish are abused daily in the world. Yours are not. That filter is fine. I rinse my filter every few days with a hose sprayer to remove gunk and get a longer life out of them. Change your filter as necessary.

Problem with their information is they don't understand the original habitat of the goldfish. They are adapted to live in a more polluted water. They are related to carp, and are omnivores. They are less stressed by changing water conditions. They do have a higher need for oxygen in their water.

No one pointed out the use of the 20 long tank allows more surface air exchange. They did not point out what you have done right.

You are intending to move them at some point this year. That's fine. They aren't gonna die. Maybe those people don't understand goldfish. :confused: I know I don't know it all, but I do know how to keep goldfish otherwise my oldest wouldn't be 15-16 years old.

Thanks! I agree with everything you said and appreciate you seeing my side haha I also didn't realize the history of them, that's interesting.

I think theoretically there are ideals and/or people love the idea of a super clean, even sanitary, tank, etc. And yeah, that's nice to have if you can, but then there is reality vs. the ideals and I think reality says they can tolerate it, even thrive, and not die, and clearly mine haven't yet. Not to mention, maybe for goldfish, they might prefer dirtier water rather than pristine and do better in it. Idk if that's true or not but just a theory. But obviously that's a fine line and not an excuse to abuse fish by any means.

But yeah, no mention of the good, or of the fact that I even plan to move them in the first place which some people wouldn't or that I even have a filter. I am obviously already aware of the problem, which I think is pretty good but maybe not
I avoid the fish people generally, they can be worse than poultry people. They're are many ways to keep fish, there is no one right way. Don't let them make you feel bad.

I always read all information I can, and than I figure out what works best for me. For example: One type of filter may be better than another, but you always have to keep in mind the long term maintenance of it, and how easy it is to find filter media.

Every thing I read said I can't use hang on filters for goldfish, they need these giant filters. I have for years used the bigger double whisper hang on filter on my 125 gallon, 2 of them. That along with large water changes works for me. My fish are happy and healthy.

So figure out what works for you. Everyone has killed a few fish figuring it out, anyone who says they haven't is lying.
I avoid the fish people generally, they can be worse than poultry people. They're are many ways to keep fish, there is no one right way. Don't let them make you feel bad.

I always read all information I can, and than I figure out what works best for me. For example: One type of filter may be better than another, but you always have to keep in mind the long term maintenance of it, and how easy it is to find filter media.

Every thing I read said I can't use hang on filters for goldfish, they need these giant filters. I have for years used the bigger double whisper hang on filter on my 125 gallon, 2 of them. That along with large water changes works for me. My fish are happy and healthy.

So figure out what works for you. Everyone has killed a few fish figuring it out, anyone who says they haven't is lying.

Thanks again! Very helpful and wise yet again haha

And yeah, it's ridiculous too because some filters are really expensive and maybe somebody wants to do the best for their fish but can't afford it, nobody seems to consider that. Now thankfully I probably COULD afford it if I wanted to but I'm also not sure I want to spend $70 on a filter. Granted, I'm probably going to spend way more on pond filters but still. I'd rather wait and spend the money on the pond, I can't buy/set up a huge tank AND a pond at the same time. I could do one or the other but not both.
Oh and it's pouring rain here but thankfully it stopped raining just long enough for me to walk Libby and then I trained her too and played with her. Mostly training games lol like distraction training (it's a game because when she ignores the toys and comes to me we get to play with them, she caught on very quick) and "find it" (me hiding said toy but also works for stay) and some indoor fetch down the hall and tug. Normally we flirt pole after walks (I am very gentle and careful, lure is only on the ground, never in the air, so no jumping and no sharp turns or anything like that) and we practice obedience during it but today because of the rain, I didn't feel it was safe with the wet grass. Didn't want her to slip and get hurt or anything. Plus it had started raining again and I didn't want to get wet lol so we did indoor fetch and training games. It doesn't tire her out as much as straight running but it is mentally exhausting because we worked on new stuff (have never done distraction training before) and having to use her nose and work to find the toy across the house (we've played this game before so it was easier but narrowing in on the toy is harder).

Now it is pouring rain and I think about to thunder.

I just had lunch. Overate lol
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