Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

4hooves&featheredfriends :

I might actually be able to go to this one....I am so excited.

Will anyone have ducklings available? I have my 3 blueys but was hoping that if I end up with 2 drakes I could pick up some females. Looking for runners.

We have Runners, mostly whites right now. Will you be at any of the other swaps? This one is 4 hours away for us, we really wanted to go
4hooves&featheredfriends :

Maybe if there is something on "the other side of the state."

There is an upcoming swap in Hampton Falls if that is what you mean by "The other side of the state".​
My Salmon Faverolles pullet chicks came today! yippee!

These are the ones i wanted most from the get-go. First they weren't available when i ordered my chicks for our laying flock. Then they put me on a waiting list, but it was going to be August. I placed an order for August, just to reserve some. Then they had some become available in early May due to a cancellation. So we moved my order to May 11. Then they had poor hatch and sent everything else except these SF chicks. Said they'd try to ship the next week---but it didn't happen. So imagine how happy i am that they finally actually arrived!

I had 9 on order, they sent 10. I'm cool with that! 7 are spunky as ever, 3 seem a little weak, but i am encouraging them to drink vitamin water and eat some gro-gel. I found those two things seem to really help them perk up---they look better already!

Provided all goes well, i am keeping 3 (maybe 4) for me, but i will have the extras available at the Keene swap! I should have a few other chicks as well, though i have promised my barred rocks to someone already. I have two Dominiques and possibly one Cuckoo Maran still unspoken for. These are hatchery sexed pullets. I also should have 1 SF male chick, i was thinking someone might like him to go with some of the female SF.

oh, yes, i can bring more plants too---i still have batchelor buttons, snow-in-summer, creeping myrtle, oregano (herb), thyme, chives, and plenty of chocolate mint!
And I will take the chocolate mint! I have NO idea what I'd do with it, but it sounds heavenly

How much will you be selling the SF chicks for - if there are any left ?
OK, so, here's what I'm wondering....

I am ordering a batch of meaties to start. We're thinking of starting small to see how it goes. Given that, I will need to add to my order to get a min of 25.

Should I order 25 meaties (which I don't want to do!) or fill it with some chicks to sell at the swap? I need to figure this out, like, TODAY
. It seems like Keene will pretty much be it and I'd not like to be stuck with a bunch of extra chicks... although I suppose I could sell them on CL if need be.
Chocolate mint is fun. i think it's more minty than chocolate, but you can detect a bit of chocolate flavor in it. In the heat of summer it's refreshing to chew mint leaves---or pick a sprig and put it in a glass of lemonade or even cold water. we used to make mint tea from the leaves---yummy! you can dry the leaves for making tea in winter time. I have 4 kids now, and not much time for things like drying herbs. but the kids pick it sometimes to enjoy the minty smell.

It spreads rapidly as a plant, so plant it somewhere that you don't mind it taking over. Mine is *outside* my veggie garden.

On the SF chicks, i'd like to get $6 each. I better start a list of who asked for them, first come come first serve. Hopefully i won't lose any, but i'll just have to see.
I would look thru the previous pages for this swap and see what people are looking for, it might give you an idea of what type of chicks would move at the swap.
In my last order, i ordered more than i needed for myself. 1) i wanted to make sure i still had what i wanted even if i lost a couple. 2) i figured there are people out there willing to buy just a few chicks---they don't want to have to get 25 from the hatchery. So far, most of my extras are spoken for.
that i'll sell the rest.

Dave had a great idea---look back thru posts to see what people might be looking for....

i also think hatchery sexed pullets are easier to sell than straight-run, because people like knowing they are getting hens rather than roos. i know i have passed on buying some chicks at swaps because the people did not know if the chicks were boys or girls.
just my 2 cents!

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