Keep heritage breeds on chick starter longer?


11 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Northern California
I've read in a poultry book that heritage breeds (e.g. Sussex) should stay on chick starter through 8 weeks vs. 6. So I wanted to check if those experienced BYC-ers agreed with this or is there any harm on using chick starter through week 8?
I'm a huge fan of keeping things simple. I'm raising birds for my own backyard enjoyment, not massive egg production or huge weight gain. I feed everyone--from new hatched chicks to laying hens to roosters--an all-in-one feed and offer oyster shell on the side. Yeah, it's a little higher protein than layer feed and I could save a few bucks a month by giving the lower feed, but my birds are all healthy with glossy feathers and lay WAY more than I need! Plus, I can have different ages/genders in the same coop and not worry about each age group getting the "perfect" amount of protein.
Many people feed starter or starter/grower all the way to point of lay.
Yes, I breed Light Sussex fowl. Currently am feeding them Purina Starter Grower and will till point-of-lay.
I also give my chicks Poultry Nutri-Drench at 4cc per gallon the 1st 2 weeks of life and 2cc per gallon the next 4 weeks of life. See: You will also do just fine with 2cc per gallon for the entire 6 weeks. Have used Bovidr Labs products on my dogs and poultry for over 10 years, Just a great product.
Waterford English Light Sussex
in western PA, USA
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Thanks for all the input and references. I guess I need to do a little more food research. We are getting chickens for the fun and experience. My grandparents/mother raised their chickens for food because they needed to. Mine will be a luxery but it will make me feel a little closer to my grandma's spirit and I'll be having fun while I'm at it. ;-) 3-4 will lay way more than we can eat in a week but it will be fun to share.
Yes, I breed Light Sussex fowl. Currently am feeding them Purina Starter Grower and will till point-of-lay.
I also give my chicks Poultry Nutri-Drench at 4cc per gallon the 1st 2 weeks of life and 2cc per gallon the next 4 weeks of life. See: You will also do just fine with 2cc per gallon for the entire 6 weeks. Have used Bovidr Labs products on my dogs and poultry for over 10 years, Just a great product.
Waterford English Light Sussex
in western PA, USA
Karen - Just wanted to clarify why you start and stop using this when you do. Are you giving it just for the immunity boost? Do you ever give it to your mature girls?

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