Keeping a Rooster From Crowing

Has anyone here had this done? How much does it cost?
Reading this thread because i have a cockerel in the 6 i bought as 2 day olds. I have entertained all sorts of ideas on how to handle the situation as where i live in NW Arkansas we cannot have chickens. while not retired myself i live in a community that was originally for old folks to play golf and do leisurely activities. so being the brash fellow i am i have chickens anyway but don't want to have my soon to crow shoulda been an egg layer to advertise my thoughts to the planning commission's rule.
So trading him for a pullet is good or i will get 5 more pullets and leave him a week or so to help with the pecking order, then give him away. the wife absolutely said we will not eat him.
If you search the archieves on BYC there is someone, I think he's a vet, decrowing roosters, I think the price is 150.00 to 200.00 per procedure or he will sell you a decrowed rooster.
I passed over that thread very quickly but it is here. I'm also not sure how effective it is and someone on here posted that her rooster died from having it done, although I believe in that case her vet had done it.

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