Keeping a single egg warm, DO NOT TRY!


Spear Gunnin' Coons
12 Years
Feb 17, 2007
Chick Adventure: This morning, checking chickens, I found broody hen #1 had pushed one of her eggs out of the nest. It was still warm when I picked it up so I put it under my arm with plans to take it into the house and candle it to see if the chick was still alive. I continued doing my chores almost forgetting the egg was tight up under my arm. When I picked up one of the 5 gal. water pans, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmy, I felt the egg crack. I thought maybe the chick was trying to hatch out. It was day 21, hatch day. Then I felt something wet and gooy and there was a distinct smell of rotten egg. I have hatched chicks in my bra and taken a single chick to bed with me to keep it warm and company but remind me to never put a 21 day old egg that a broody has kicked out of the nest under my arm ever again.
See, she knew what she was doing

I had to lean across a board this morning, to pick up a dropped bottle...the board cracked, along with an egg that I had apparently stuck in my coat pocket....
That's hallarius. Not laughing at your misfortune only your situation.

I have had an egg break in the front pocket of my hoodie, but never under my arm. I can only imagine how that felt.
I keep doing that! I put an egg in my pocket and forget it until I put my coat on and go outside again. Fortunately none of them have broken on me.

Speckledhen had a post a little while ago about breaking one in her pocket on the way to town!

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