keeping chickens cool in summer heat

Living in Houston- heat + humidity = 100+ heat index
I have a disposable lasagna pan that I make for
My chicken pool :) I've only got two girls right now.
I only put about 2" in it and I will put frozen water bottles in the pan on the days we reach 95+ in heat index.
One girl loves to stand in the water and the other will be on and off the frozen bottle.
They also love frozen grapes.
Anyone else have ideas I could use?
This idea may have been mentioned earlier in the thread, but I use nipple waterers attached to the bottoms of 2-gallon buckets. I keep one-liter (bottled water) bottles in the freezer. Dropping a couple of these frozen bottles in the nipple waterer buckets keeps the water cool. In very hot weather I replace the bottles once in the late afternoon. This has worked well for me so far with temperature reaching 105 occasionally.
I have 14 hens and my egg production went from 12 to 5 and yesterday none. 3 today so far.
A lot of them are molting so that and the heat, stresses them a lot.
One hen molting. Two sick. Three laying. One just taking a break as far as I can tell from the heat. I freeze "blue ice" things and put out in the afternoon. As soon as I put them out they get on top and stand there. I hose down their shady dirt area and give them frozen watermelon snacks. Every night I pick up the blu ice, wash and re freeze. I sure wish this heat would moderate! Central tx.
Living in Houston- heat + humidity = 100+ heat index
I have a disposable lasagna pan that I make for
My chicken pool :) I've only got two girls right now.
I only put about 2" in it and I will put frozen water bottles in the pan on the days we reach 95+ in heat index.
One girl loves to stand in the water and the other will be on and off the frozen bottle.
They also love frozen grapes.
Anyone else have ideas I could use?

Howdy. No I'm not an Aggie but my husband is. Do you live in Houston city limits? If so what are the rules for keeping chickens. We were wondering just this morning when someone told us blue eggs were selling in Houston for $20 a dozen. Probably at one of those upscale farmers markets. Crazy!
Howdy. No I'm not an Aggie but my husband is. Do you live in Houston city limits? If so what are the rules for keeping chickens. We were wondering just this morning when someone told us blue eggs were selling in Houston for $20 a dozen. Probably at one of those upscale farmers markets. Crazy!

I don't live in the city-out the east side towards mont belvieu. Yea those blue and olive eggs are always a huge hit! I do have friends that are allowed to keep chickens in the highlands area. In my research it is more restricted by the HOA then Houston
We are also in a hot area. We have a mister that we turn on and it helps with the heat. I also put a dishpan out where they free range in afternoons. The dishpan is a big hit. They do pant, because chickens don't have sweat glands. They prefer to lay in the shade when it's super hot and lay their eggs in the shade also. All together-there are only 5. When it cools off they go right back to laying in their nests. Smart girls!
Good luck!

Oh yes, down from 5/5 to 2 or 3 and some times none. They are miserable when it's over 110-so am I, but they like their dishpan pool and the hose mister. They go back to laying when it cools down a bit. We just have to wait it out!
Good Luck
Hi All,
This is an old subject,and many good points made.I would just make a couple of comments based on long ago commercial experience.
Water-best is a BIG trough with water 4-5" deep.If they want to walk in it-fine-drinking nipples are out in these conditions.Yes frozen bottles chucked in are great.
It has been mentioned NOT to wet the birds-the conductivity is greatly increased when things are wet.
Try this to be convinced-pick up a hot pan on stove with a dry tea towel.Then do the same with a wet one. You'll understand.
Same thing applies to dogs-many people hose them in the heat-thinking they are doing good.It is quite the opposite.

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