Keeping chickens cool in the summer?

I live in southern Arizona, temperatures for the last week have been 110+. This is what I do:

Shallow pans full of water for them to wade in.
Entire run is deep litter that I water down about 3 times a day.
Tarps over top of run for shade, shade cloth on sides of run.
Box fan in the run.
Frozen water bottles.
Frozen fruits to eat (watermelon).

Hopefully, our summer monsoon season is getting ready to start, this will drop the temps somewhat, but as punishment, the humidity will go through the roof!
I live near Phoenix and I do most of those things, and a mister also. I am looking for a used evaporative (swamp) cooler for their coop/run. Everyone wants so much money for evap coolers on Craigslist right now, but I think once the monsoon starts they won't be able to give them away... so hopefully I'll find a good one then.

They get so excited when I put out the shallow pans with ice water. They all want to drink and wade at the same time! I need to lay out several pans so every bird gets to drink and wade, not just those higher on the pecking order.
My girls have lots of shade while they free range during the day. At night, cooped up, we have lots of ventilation and frozen water jugs on especially jot nights. We add a fan when necessary.

My dh designed a veggie / fruit tether ball using a long threaded eye bolt with a larger washer and wing nut at the end. I raise extra veggies (tomatoes, zucchini , cucumbers), partially freeze them then skewer and hang from the rafter of our covered run. They get to play, eat and get cool all at the same time!
Fabulous idea!! I'm definitely going to try this.

My dh designed a veggie / fruit tether ball using a long threaded eye bolt with a larger washer and wing nut at the end. I raise extra veggies (tomatoes, zucchini , cucumbers), partially freeze them then skewer and hang from the rafter of our covered run. They get to play, eat and get cool all at the same time!
I freeze old clear soda bottles and they love to stand on them. I also put out a one inch deep tray of water they take turns standing in it. Their favorite by far is when I make large ice cubes with veg or fruit in it.
Man I wish I had that problem, high of 67 today. Tomorrow night in the high thirties. Worried about me new chicks. Eight days old today. Running the heat lamp 24/7.
It was 104 in the storeroom I had them in yesterday. Had to keep running ice and water out. It isn't insulated and even with A/C and a fan they were miserable. My handyman wrapped the dog kennels today and I have them outside in the shade. 90 something and they are loving it. I had lost one in the storeroom and when I went back to get it, two more got out of the kennel. I'll be able to buy 1/2 hardware cloth tomorrow so will be able to keep them in. The 2 are wedged into a 4" wide 4' long space and I can put down food and water for them but I got to have help getting them back.
I do ice cubes in the water and two foot baths. One is a bird bath but they use it to cool their feet. I also use a mister. I give them foxen bananas, watermelon, etc. I keep an abundant supply of frozen bottles with pipe cleaners twisted around the neck with a loop, then hang them on plain curtain hooks, which are cheap and sturdy. I have the curtain hooks all around the coops and bunny hutches. I bring out a bunch of frozen bottles and just hang them. I leave the curtain hooks in the coops year around. When I put the frozen bottles on the ground or floor of the coops, they would get filthy. I hang them so they are next to the perches. See below.

I keep lots in the freezer all the time and they get rotated.

The pipe cleaners have lasted for years. I don't re-invent this every year.

I have curtain hooks hanging all around. Cheap and sturdy. I never take them down.

Just hang the bottle on the curtain hook. So easy.

Standing in an iced bird bath.
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