Keeping Chickens Free Range

Ok, I'm fairly new to the site but have read a lot on here and love the site. My wife and I recently purchased 5 acres out in the country and the place came with a 12'x20' run and a 10'x10' coop which I had to do minor repairs to to get it useable but cost were very minimal to me. My question is this I really want to free range my flock of six (for now) chickens. I have 5 hens and a rooster that are just shy of laying age. I purchased them last weekend and planned to give them a couple of weeks inside the coop/run area so that they would know where "home" is. Well our neighbor has a large rooster that has discovered our run and spends his days outside the run eying the ladies I assume
but my fears are first that he will break down the hens as he is so much larger than they are (my plan was to start free-ranging them later next week), maybe this isn't a valid concern but that is why I'm asking. Secondly I fear that he may see my little (young) roo as competition and harass him. My wife suggested building a larger fenced area for them to run loose in but the minimum cost to build one as large as I'd like to give them enough space to actually "free range" will cost me $300-$500 minimum. I'd like some input from those much more experienced than I am in this. Thanks and I really enjoy this site.

Interesting predicament.

You have 5 acres, how much land does your neighbor have?

How far is your coop from your neighbor?

How many chickens/roosters does your neighbor have?

How well do you and your neighbor get along?

What breed chickens do you have?

What breed is the rooster?

Are there any "predators" in the area that might find the rooster "tasty"?

Size alone does not determine which rooster becomes dominant, I have seen little roosters kick big roosters rears.

Do you, will you are you against eating home raised chicken?

I doubt the rooster will break the hens, but they may harass them to the point of injury. I have had to send a couple of my roosters to freezer camp to prevent chicken sex crimes from occurring. The couple I sent to camp were merciless and never stopped mounting the poor hens.
Sadly I think our free ranging will be extremely limited if at all. :( We had a hawk attack, but the hens got away. After that, i started building a run, and after being cooped up, I let them out. I was in/out checking on them, and they went missing, and 7 came home(I had 8). I cannot figure out what got my girl. No feather mess, and no carcass. ????? I saw a feral cat right before she went missing though. We have two feral cats, so many hawks it is CRAZY right now, and I have seen a couple coyotes and we caught a fox on our game camera. I am really bummed because I loved having them range, but for now, after losing my sweet snowflake, we are going to take a break or seriously babysit them when they are out. :(
Interesting predicament.

You have 5 acres, how much land does your neighbor have?

How far is your coop from your neighbor? 150' +/-

How many chickens/roosters does your neighbor have? 1 Rooster

How well do you and your neighbor get along? Fine so far, we just moved there 2 months ago.

What breed chickens do you have? 3 Austrolorp cross, 2 RIR cross, and 1 white leghorn.

What breed is the rooster? I think he may be a RIR but I'm not positive.

Are there any "predators" in the area that might find the rooster "tasty"?Lots but he's lived free night and day for years according to the neighbor so he's probably better no disappear right after I get chickens

Size alone does not determine which rooster becomes dominant, I have seen little roosters kick big roosters rears.

Do you, will you are you against eating home raised chicken? Eating home raised chicken is in my long term plan.

I doubt the rooster will break the hens, but they may harass them to the point of injury. I have had to send a couple of my roosters to freezer camp to prevent chicken sex crimes from occurring. The couple I sent to camp were merciless and never stopped mounting the poor hens.
Sadly ..... We have two feral cats, so many hawks it is CRAZY right now, and I have seen a couple coyotes and we caught a fox on our game camera. I am really bummed because I loved having them range, but for now, after losing my sweet snowflake, we are going to take a break or seriously babysit them when they are out. :( 

Sounds like your gonna need a dog to live with them. Guard them.

Or strong fences. What a bummer


So you figured out where I was so going with my questions....BUT free ranging rooster can disappear...LOL

Actually after reading your answers I think the rooster is just lonely. Chickens are social animals and I am not sure one raised alone is very happy. I doubt he would hurt you hens now.

However, I would be watching closely if and when you let them get together for the first time. Know there will be some jostling for pecking order.

A 150 ft is not very far for a chicken to wander, my do well over that all the time.

Maybe you could be a diplomat and ask the neighbor if his rooster can live with your chickens, and have him available to take care of them when you go out of town.
Unfortunately, the stray rooster could be exposing your new flock to diseases and vice versa but it's too late to stop it since he's already hanging around.

I agree with @duluthralphie ; given he has no flock of his own, he has no reason to go home and it would be in his best interest if you did offer to take him in provided you get enough ladies for 2 roosters. You certainly have the space and you're going to be hard pressed to get him to leave now without convincing your neighbors to start keeping him in a coop.
Unfortunately, the stray rooster could be exposing your new flock to diseases and vice versa but it's too late to stop it since he's already hanging around.

I agree with @duluthralphie ; given he has no flock of his own, he has no reason to go home and it would be in his best interest if you did offer to take him in provided you get enough ladies for 2 roosters. You certainly have the space and you're going to be hard pressed to get him to leave now without convincing your neighbors to start keeping him in a coop.

Chicken math at work, You need another 5-6 chickens now..

As far as parasites and disease go you might as well consider that rooster in your flock. BTW I bet in his little rooster mind he has hit the jackpot and considers your flock, his.
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I agree with Duluth. He's probably saying in his lil head, WOW, ALL THOSE FOLKS TO FORAGE WITH, I've been SO LONESOME!
As for mine and me? Not many eggs now, with warmth, with at least 3 of my 4 hens Molting!! Ugh!
NOW, SPEAKING OF DOUBLE CHINS, shouldn't this Bantam, one of my Lil Men, be bigger for More than 8 mo old?
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I agree with Duluth. He's probably saying in his lil head, WOW, ALL THOSE FOLKS TO FORAGE WITH, I've been SO LONESOME!
As for mine and me? Not many eggs now, with warmth, with at least 3 of my 4 hens Molting!! Ugh!
NOW, SPEAKING OF DOUBLE CHINS, shouldn't this Bantam, one of my Lil Men, be bigger for More than 8 mo old?
That really depends on what breed he is. Not all bantams are the same size. I had a d'uccle rooster that was no bigger than him (maybe a bit smaller) and he was 1 1/2 yrs. old. I don't have him anymore. Aggression earned him a free ticket to freezer camp.

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