Keeping Chickens When You Have Arthritis.


How does the deer feeder work out? How far does it drop the feed.
I like automatic too.
Sorry this is so late. It's been busy around here. So, I have one deer feeder (an old tailgate feeder) equipped so that the dispenser is at beak level for the ducks (the auto spreader mechanism got pulled out so that the ducks pecking acts as the mechanism to "drop feed"). The feed drops into a feed pan a foot or so below. It's great because the feeder has a little pull tab to adjust flow rate so that I can adjust how much food drops to the feed pan when a duck pecks it.

Then I have a turkey feeder that's a hanging bucket type. With a drape to keep the feed from spreading, it drops it straight down as far as I want. Without the drape, it can throw chicken scratch for five feet around. This one is great because you can hang it with a baffle and it's pretty critter resistant. Plus, I can hang it up out of bird range so that they don't land on it, peck at it, try to get to the feed dispenser and hurt their beaks.....

That's what I love about deer feeders. You can adjust it for whatever purpose you need.
I never thought about using a deer feeder. They are popular around here, or at least they were before chronic wasting disease hit the deer population. I'll have to look at them. I made the 5 gallon bucket and PVC elbow feeders and like them a lot. The birds stopped wasting food which makes me happy. I usually give them scratch in the morning, scattering some in the run and then putting a cup in their 'treat trough'.
I have had autoimmune arthritis since I was a teenager (ankylosing spondylitis). I'm in my late 30s now and have terrible corrosion in my spine (SI joint). I have been on humira injections for a year now which have helped tremendously. I doubt I'd be able to do what I do without those injections. I try very hard not to limit myself physically (except with heavy lifting of course). My doctor has told me to keep moving and my chickens are helping me do just that. I do have to be careful when cleaning the coop since the meds I take are immunosuppressants. I do get flares occasionally especially after overdoing yard work, so I try to be careful of that.
I have had autoimmune arthritis since I was a teenager (ankylosing spondylitis). I'm in my late 30s now and have terrible corrosion in my spine (SI joint). I have been on humira injections for a year now which have helped tremendously. I doubt I'd be able to do what I do without those injections. I try very hard not to limit myself physically (except with heavy lifting of course). My doctor has told me to keep moving and my chickens are helping me do just that. I do have to be careful when cleaning the coop since the meds I take are immunosuppressants. I do get flares occasionally especially after overdoing yard work, so I try to be careful of that.
Do you wear a mask when working with the chickens?
I should be wearing a mask when cleaning the coop but I don't. I keep trying to remember! I wear gloves when I clean, and always wash my hands after holding the chickens.
My DW did not like the mask I bought for the smoke here. It was listed as one that is good for people with breathing issues too
Coming home we checked 4 stores then hit ace paid 20 for n100 but overkill better for me have the kid doing chickens for a few days as doc said no chicken duty yet the smoke is so think but would not have realized pneumonia was back but for the smoke
BF ordered 10 of N95 off amazon for 31.00
I never thought about that so thanks for the reminder about wearing a mask when coop cleaning.

@silkiekeeper Welcome! I had inflammation in my left SI joint. Doc finally injected it. The shot was hell, the relief was bliss. It was one of the worst 'back' pains that I've experienced. Hugs to you:hugs

@MissChick@dee, Welcome to you also! Pull up a chair, share your aches and pains along with your shortcuts when it comes to taking care of your birds!

I've spent the past two days on my new brooder pen. It's about 80% done right now. Hands are killing me, feet are killing me. But I soooooo love to build things. I figure this is the last brooder box I will build so just one more day of work and then my poor joints can rest. DH came out to the shop and helped me today. Really appreciated his assistance. He also mopped the house. Don't know what I'd do without him.

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