Keeping Fish

So sorry old hen. Hate when these things happen. None of my goldfish have come down with it yet, but I'm sure I'll eventually have to deal with it. My heaters seemed to be quitting constantly. It was a consistent cycle until I stepped up and found a new system that has worked well so far. How did you lose your betta? Old age? Sorry for your loss.


Edited for grammar :)
They were all lost because of the heater failure, the betta developed Dropsy, used the Epsom salts to bring down the swelling, but he died a few weeks later, it obviously damaged him internally, the angels just died, no symptoms.
They were all lost because of the heater failure, the betta developed Dropsy, used the Epsom salts to bring down the swelling, but he died a few weeks later, it obviously damaged him internally, the angels just died, no symptoms.

Sorry for your loss. Do you have any more angelfish? I had a couple a while ago but they are long gone.

I still have 9. It's okay, I did plan to swap out my 55 and 75 gallon in the fall, putting the smaller goldfish into the 75, and moving my tropical into the 55. Eventually I may just keep my goldfish, but it could be quite a few years before I lose all my angels, though some are around 5 year old and they are suppose to live to be about 10.
I still have 9. It's okay, I did plan to swap out my 55 and 75 gallon in the fall, putting the smaller goldfish into the 75, and moving my tropical into the 55. Eventually I may just keep my goldfish, but it could be quite a few years before I lose all my angels, though some are around 5 year old and they are suppose to live to be about 10.

I added a small tank for a turtle and some feeder fish recently with a few ghost shrimp and the heater is a bit iffy. Hoping nothing happens. :/

That's one of the reasons for wanting to keep only goldfish, heaters aren't necessary. I do have them in my fancy goldfish tanks to bring the temperature up to 65, my basement runs around 60, if the heaters fail it isn't a tragedy like it is for tropical. A turtle sounds cute, I would probably make him an outdoor habitat in the warmer months.
That's one of the reasons for wanting to keep only goldfish, heaters aren't necessary. I do have them in my fancy goldfish tanks to bring the temperature up to 65, my basement runs around 60, if the heaters fail it isn't a tragedy like it is for tropical. A turtle sounds cute, I would probably make him an outdoor habitat in the warmer months.

I have three turtles, two of which live outside. This one is blind and injured, when he is larger he will be moved outside. Right now he is at risk from raccoons and birds like the heron. :)

Help please! I feel really ashamed but I really need help solving this problem so here it is: I took a close look at the surface of my tank water and found that the tank walls were crawling with little white worms. I really think they're parasites but I'm hoping they're an aquatic worm of some sort... I don't want my bettas to die and I don't know how this happened. I wish my phone allowed me to upload pictures, but it's really hopeless. Any suggestions?
I can't recall the name of them, they are harmless to your fish, but they are there to feed on the debris in your tank, you need to siphon your gravel out, there's too much uneaten food. I used to see them a lot when I first started keeping fish, I now do more water changes and bigger ones and vacuum my gravel well so I don't see them anymore.
Is it possible that they're a species that will harm the fish? I'll clean the gravel, do some water changes and add aquarium salt with hopes that that'll get rid of the worms.
Keeping your gravel clean will keep them under control, they won't harm the fish, the extra waste will so hopefully you have a gravel siphon. The fish can even eat them.

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