Keeping quail cool in summer?


7 Years
Oct 10, 2012
It's getting quite hot here, reaching temperatures of almost 40 degrees. I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do to help keep my quail cool as with that heavy coat of feathers they have, I doubt they appreciate the weather they're getting.

Anywho, I provide them plenty of water which I have to change constantly, their cage is covered so they're out of the intense sun, and they have dirt to dust bathe in.

Anything else? Could I put an ice cube in their water to keep their water cool?

Also, when they open their mouths and flick their tongue up and down, is that their way of 'panting' like how dogs do?

I saw some of my quail awkwardly standing in their water cups, guess they were cooling off their feet, but they get the water all dirty, and then they drink it...
Maybe if I could find a container and try that.
It's a nice idea.

Thanks for posting! :)
I find that misting the quail and their area with water and keeping a fan running on them constantly, (during the day only) keeps them from over heating. Never wait until you see panting. What ever temp that they seem to look over heated and stressed each day, turn the fans on a few degrees before that. :)
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I find that misting the quail and their area with water and keeping a fan running on them constantly, (during the day only) keeps them from over heating. Never wait until you see panting. What ever temp that they seem to look over heated and stressed each day, turn the fans on a few degrees before that. :)

They make a misting kit for frog and snake enclousures. You could set it in front of a fan or set the nozzles in the ceiling of your pen. It has a timer to spray at intervals.
They make a misting kit for frog and snake enclousures. You could set it in front of a fan or set the nozzles in the ceiling of your pen. It has a timer to spray at intervals.

I have thought about installing misters in the ceilings of the aviaries, but I have just never gotten around to it. LOL I guess I prefer dragging around an ornery hose. LOL
Mine are in aviaries and we are extremely hot at the moment. I will turn on the sprinklers nears the cages and they will run and play in the water.
Twocrowsranch it's prob. more satisfying to spray them yourself lol. It gets a little weird what we do for our animals sometime.

How true! And spraying them down myself, I can avoid getting feed wet and I can direct the water on somebody that seems overly hot. And yes, we do what we have to, to keep them comfortable. Gotta take their little lives seriously.
Misting! What a great idea! It surely cools me down, hehe.
I can't get a fan on though, the nearest power point is in the garage which is too far, and we don't have a fan with that long of a cable. I have a battery-operated fan, but it's hand-held and wouldn't last very long standing.

The temperature is crazy over here, just yesterday it was 42 degrees in the afternoon, now it's 24 and cloudy... Most likely going to rain or storm hopefully. I like spraying things with spray bottles than with hoses (I have no idea why, it just seems more fun to me). :]

Thanks for the replies!
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