Keeping the flock busy in the winter....


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 12, 2012
I have some spots (holes) in the run area that the hens have scratch out and was gonna try to fill them in, well guess what? A wheel barrel load of woods dirt is the next best thing to "sliced bread" to chickens. I dumped 3 wheel barrel loads of woods dirt in the run area and they when wild, they were scratching and pecking. I'm sure there were bugs and who knows what else in there. I didn't even spread it out, they did it for me and enjoyed every minute.
Chickens love to scratch and dig. When I put the sand in my run, I shoveled it in a large pile. The chickens spread it all evenly throughout the run by digging through it. I was quite pleased as you can imagine.

Your loads of woods dirt were a hit.


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