Keeping Two Roosters

thought i read somewhere that roos get more possessive when they DO see the girls... if they are totally separated from the girls. Not sure how that works out. I keep imagining breeders and how they manage.I am sure its not as tough as I think it will be. But then again, adjusting to seeing the mating habits of chickens wasnt the most fun either!
Are both males penned up with the females, or are they free range? If they are penned up, and have enough room, then one male will be the dominant one. He won't let the other rooster breed with the hens.
Now, if both roosters are stubborn, that's when you will have a problem. You can just wait and see what happens. Fights will happen, but if the submissive rooster knows his place, then all should be fine. Also, the pen should be large enough to give the males enough space and places to hide if there is a fight. If they fight all the time, then they should not live together. But if there is only a squabble here and there, then they will probably be fine living together. Being a chicken owner is hard work lol!
Your feather loss will become more obvious as the breeding frequency increases. Remember the roos have "toenails" as well as spurs ( or the spurs they will develop)
I have one BSL girl who has never been very submissive to ANYONE Thus when BG my RIR roo sets his sights on her as his next "victim" It is a roller coaster ride, as a result the poor girl is nearly bald from his feet and his beak! I currently have two breeding roos in with 27-28 hens and I still have some pretty bald hens.I really should invest in some saddles!
I also have 2 (posotive) perhaps 3 young roos coming up and I have them all mixed in the same pen.
The only problems so far is dominance issues, BG has to remind Obama (SLP roo) who is boss daddie occasionally but I would call it "sparring"not fighting. They so far have not had a serious battle that I am aware of. In fact Obama being the 2nd in command is the one taking on the younger roos teaching them that BG is THE BOSS. It has been quite interesting watching him defend the Big Guy (BG) when he competes with him so often. My young boys (BO and BSL, possible EE) are just beginning to realize there are wild oats to be sown and so are learning the ropes.My BO youngun has his eye on making my white EE pullet about the same age exclusively his. It has made my Library time (the run is where I love to sit and read and watch) quite interesting to say the least.
Good luck! but I would definately add hens or rehome a roo if they get any more aggressive with each other. And plan now, get those saddles ready!
I am thinking I may need enough saddles this winter just to help keep the girls warm! Especially if behaviours stay calm and all the roos stay.

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