keeping your meat fresh


11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
green co.
I just got done reading a thread about some one wonderin about freezer bags and thought it would be nice to see how others keep there meat fresh in the deep freezer, or how they store it

we are old fashioned and always use the butcher paper wrapped, and or double wrapped, have no problem with ice if everything is patted dry when froze, store our vinision or other red meat for 1 year and white meat for 1 1/2 years as it seems to freeze better.

how does everyone else do it?
I've never tried butcher paper. I have always used ziplock type bags and removed the air. I would like to get one of those food savers though. I am probably going to try those shrink bags from the other post.
i think a lot of people use the sealing bags i also said butcher paper i was thinking freezer paper sorry
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we use alot of freezer paper, i have tried 2 name brand freezer bags and i find with meat the paper is better. I have not tried wrapping a whole chicken yet.
We've been using the Food Saver and have been happy with the results.

Can I ask about the freezer paper? Do you just wrap and tape? Cut up or whole chickens?

Thanks. I've never used freezer paper, but it might be cheaper and worth a try for couple.

It depends on what i am wrapping, if i am just wrapping bread then i don't use tape, if i am wrapping most meats then i tape. some of the meat tends to be slippery on the paper so i tape to make sure it stays.
We used to use zip lock bags for smaller cuts and freezer paper for larger ones. Since we have switched to a vacum sealer- It's a night and day difference. Meat frozen in a vacum sealer is just as fresh after months of freezing as it was the day you put it in the freezer.

Steve in NC
We use freezer paper, or butchers wrap for whole birds and hold it together with freezer tape. Mostly because we could not find freezer bags large enough for turkeys. The Chickens went into zip lock bags.

We used two layers to going in oppisite directions to cover the turkeys. I can't really say if there is much difference between the paper or zip lock bags. we use with paper you can cover whole turkeys only.

This year we are wanting to switch to vacum sealed bags. Mainly because other meat we have gotten is vacum seal appears to stay freasher longer in the freezer.

We used the vacuum sealer for our birds. We're finishing up last years birds and they are just as fresh as the day they were done. It's been 8 months. I ordered more bags and we're ready for the next batch. They're getting done next week.

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