Keet can't stand/walk


9 Years
Mar 6, 2010
Tried to Google this, but I'm mostly finding spraddled or problems that develop after hatch.

My guinea keets were due to hatch TOMORROW, but when I moved them to lockdown Monday, I had several external pips and most were at least internally pipped. Two were already zipping. SO! I dry incubate, ugh. About half were shrink wrapped and required at least some help zipping. 3 were so shrink wrapped I had to soak them out of the shells. 25 of 31 hatched, the other 6 I didn't think were alive at lockdown anyway. (I only saw movement in 25 when I candled moving to lockdown.)

Three were put in a different incubator because they still had blood when I went to assist, I removed the top half of the shell and peeled membrane off their beaks so they could breathe. One hatched itself last night, but couldn't stand up. One hatched about a minute after I wrapped it in a wet cloth this morning. The one that hatched that couldn't stand last night was glued to the third keet in the shell this morning, I wrapped them in wet cloth and got them separated, but he still can't stand. The other two are running around now. I tried to get all the membrane off his wings and around his neck, thinking maybe that was the problem, but he's mostly clean now and still not standing. I see nothing obvious as to why not. Legs look correct.

Any thoughts? At what point do I cull? I can't imagine he will have a good life laying on his side and scooting around, but I don't want to cull too early if I can help him. Thanks for any advice or help figuring out what is wrong with him.

These guys were from shipped eBay eggs and I am positively ecstatic at the hatch rate!
Tried to Google this, but I'm mostly finding spraddled or problems that develop after hatch.

My guinea keets were due to hatch TOMORROW, but when I moved them to lockdown Monday, I had several external pips and most were at least internally pipped. Two were already zipping. SO! I dry incubate, ugh. About half were shrink wrapped and required at least some help zipping. 3 were so shrink wrapped I had to soak them out of the shells. 25 of 31 hatched, the other 6 I didn't think were alive at lockdown anyway. (I only saw movement in 25 when I candled moving to lockdown.)

Three were put in a different incubator because they still had blood when I went to assist, I removed the top half of the shell and peeled membrane off their beaks so they could breathe. One hatched itself last night, but couldn't stand up. One hatched about a minute after I wrapped it in a wet cloth this morning. The one that hatched that couldn't stand last night was glued to the third keet in the shell this morning, I wrapped them in wet cloth and got them separated, but he still can't stand. The other two are running around now. I tried to get all the membrane off his wings and around his neck, thinking maybe that was the problem, but he's mostly clean now and still not standing. I see nothing obvious as to why not. Legs look correct.

Any thoughts? At what point do I cull? I can't imagine he will have a good life laying on his side and scooting around, but I don't want to cull too early if I can help him. Thanks for any advice or help figuring out what is wrong with him.

These guys were from shipped eBay eggs and I am positively ecstatic at the hatch rate!
Could your keet be weak from the difficult hatch? Can you get some Nutridrench or sugar water in it? I’d rule out weakness from a difficult hatch before culling... Best of luck with the sick keet and congrats on your high hatch rate! Shipped eggs are indeed so difficult!
Could your keet be weak from the difficult hatch? Can you get some Nutridrench or sugar water in it? I’d rule out weakness from a difficult hatch before culling... Best of luck with the sick keet and congrats on your high hatch rate! Shipped eggs are indeed so difficult!

I will give him some NutriDrench! He’s still on his side, poor thing. He scoots around on his side in the incubator but there’s no way I’m going to put him in the brooder. There’s 37 keets and chicks in there now (I felt the need to visit TSC today for banties and I have three week old Crested Cream Legbars in there, too.) I think the other two are probably ok to go in the brooder now, they’re dry from their baths.
Last night, he was still on his side and I was pretty sure he was going to be dead when I woke up, and I knew if he didn't die, I'd have to have hubby cull him, because he would be out of yolk and I couldn't figure out a way to feed and water him with him laying on his side. I dreaded looking in the incubator when I woke up, and it took me a bit to work up the "courage." MUCH to my surprise, he was WALKING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put food and water in bottle caps in the incubator because I had to leave for a few hours and didn't want to put him in the brooder until I could be home to watch. Well, he's been integrated for several hours now and doing fantastic!!! Thank you @Mixed flock enthusiast, we probably would have culled without your thoughts!
Last night, he was still on his side and I was pretty sure he was going to be dead when I woke up, and I knew if he didn't die, I'd have to have hubby cull him, because he would be out of yolk and I couldn't figure out a way to feed and water him with him laying on his side. I dreaded looking in the incubator when I woke up, and it took me a bit to work up the "courage." MUCH to my surprise, he was WALKING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put food and water in bottle caps in the incubator because I had to leave for a few hours and didn't want to put him in the brooder until I could be home to watch. Well, he's been integrated for several hours now and doing fantastic!!! Thank you @Mixed flock enthusiast, we probably would have culled without your thoughts!
Awww, I’m so glad that your keet is doing so much better! :weeThat’s an amazing recovery, and it sounds like you did all that you could to help it through - it’s great when your hard work pays off!!! I very much hope that your keet and the rest of your hatch continue to do well!!!:love

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