Keets let go inside coop with adult guineas? At what age?


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2022
Hello Would anyone be able to tell me if I can let my keets intermingle with the adults yet or at what age is safe?! Here is my scenario
3 werks ago 2 Guinea mamas hatched 8/24 eggs. 2 were killed within hours so we quickly penned the keets and 2 mamas up with the keets and remaining eggs. This pen/run is inside the coop so they are all able to see each other.
1 of the hatching that occurred 1 week later only was in the pen for 2 days and then suddenly disappeared?? No sign of him?!! We still aren’t able to figure that one out??? Pen is 1/4 inch hardwire and there are no visible holes. Anyways, we have 4 (3 week olds and 1 other 2 week old).
My question is: we have purchased another wire run with plans on opening the coop to go into this run so they are still all together so to speak and have room to roam around and roost. I just saw on the web were at 4 weeks keets that are Kept along side the adults but penned up can be introduced to them at 4 weeks!???
I just want to be safe / and not lose anymore keets. Has anyone had this type of experience?? Or would it just be safer yo keep them penned up until they are like 12-16 weeks old?
I also need to figure out how to not let them free range but the adults can? That’s another thought process I’ll get to when the time comes I guess.
Thank you for your advice!
Attached are photos of coop and new run not yet finished, need chicken wire and tarp put on.


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Hello Would anyone be able to tell me if I can let my keets intermingle with the adults yet or at what age is safe?! Here is my scenario
3 werks ago 2 Guinea mamas hatched 8/24 eggs. 2 were killed within hours so we quickly penned the keets and 2 mamas up with the keets and remaining eggs. This pen/run is inside the coop so they are all able to see each other.
1 of the hatching that occurred 1 week later only was in the pen for 2 days and then suddenly disappeared?? No sign of him?!! We still aren’t able to figure that one out??? Pen is 1/4 inch hardwire and there are no visible holes. Anyways, we have 4 (3 week olds and 1 other 2 week old).
My question is: we have purchased another wire run with plans on opening the coop to go into this run so they are still all together so to speak and have room to roam around and roost. I just saw on the web were at 4 weeks keets that are Kept along side the adults but penned up can be introduced to them at 4 weeks!???
I just want to be safe / and not lose anymore keets. Has anyone had this type of experience?? Or would it just be safer yo keep them penned up until they are like 12-16 weeks old?
I also need to figure out how to not let them free range but the adults can? That’s another thought process I’ll get to when the time comes I guess.
Thank you for your advice!
Attached are photos of coop and new run not yet finished, need chicken wire and tarp put on.
I would recommend not actually introducing them untill the are 12-16 weeks old. They will still be a little small, but it's worth the risk, rather than never introducing them. I have never introduced keets to my six guineas, because none have survived long enough. I have five incubating eggs with a couple days to go. I've heard peeping and it's so very cute! The three I hatched out in late April(?) Died while I was out of town. A friend was watching them and one drowned and the other two got killed by Racoons. My African White Guinea hen wants baby's, but I refuse to let her stay out at night. Best of luck with the keets! Gorgeous guineas, by the way!
I'm guessing you have Royal Purple and Chocolates, from what I can see. I have one Royal Purple Male, two Pearl Grays (A Pair) Three African Whites ( Two males and one female) and I used to have a Lavender pair, but the female got eaten and I needed to give the Male away soon after, because the flock was trying to kill him.
I would recommend not actually introducing them untill the are 12-16 weeks old. They will still be a little small, but it's worth the risk, rather than never introducing them. I have never introduced keets to my six guineas, because none have survived long enough. I have five incubating eggs with a couple days to go. I've heard peeping and it's so very cute! The three I hatched out in late April(?) Died while I was out of town. A friend was watching them and one drowned and the other two got killed by Racoons. My African White Guinea hen wants baby's, but I refuse to let her stay out at night. Best of luck with the keets! Gorgeous guineas, by the way!
I had a lone keet in the brooder and a hen that avoided me for one night. When I found her the next morning I put her in my grow out pen and put the lone keet in with her. I watched and she tolerated the keet and made no attempt to harm it. Eventually she got to the point that she would allow it to be right beside her. At 4 weeks, I put her and the keet in the guinea coop inside my release cage. After 3 days I released them. She merged seamlessly back into the flock the keet took a month longer.
I had a lone keet in the brooder and a hen that avoided me for one night. When I found her the next morning I put her in my grow out pen and put the lone keet in with her. I watched and she tolerated the keet and made no attempt to harm it. Eventually she got to the point that she would allow it to be right beside her. At 4 weeks, I put her and the keet in the guinea coop inside my release cage. After 3 days I released them. She merged seamlessly back into the flock the keet took a month longer.
That's amazing! Most guineas are awful mothers! What Angel's! Your so lucky!
Hello Would anyone be able to tell me if I can let my keets intermingle with the adults yet or at what age is safe?! Here is my scenario
3 werks ago 2 Guinea mamas hatched 8/24 eggs. 2 were killed within hours so we quickly penned the keets and 2 mamas up with the keets and remaining eggs. This pen/run is inside the coop so they are all able to see each other.
1 of the hatching that occurred 1 week later only was in the pen for 2 days and then suddenly disappeared?? No sign of him?!! We still aren’t able to figure that one out??? Pen is 1/4 inch hardwire and there are no visible holes. Anyways, we have 4 (3 week olds and 1 other 2 week old).
My question is: we have purchased another wire run with plans on opening the coop to go into this run so they are still all together so to speak and have room to roam around and roost. I just saw on the web were at 4 weeks keets that are Kept along side the adults but penned up can be introduced to them at 4 weeks!???
I just want to be safe / and not lose anymore keets. Has anyone had this type of experience?? Or would it just be safer yo keep them penned up until they are like 12-16 weeks old?
I also need to figure out how to not let them free range but the adults can? That’s another thought process I’ll get to when the time comes I guess.
Thank you for your advice!
Attached are photos of coop and new run not yet finished, need chicken wire and tarp put on.
Your situation is a bit different from introducing a group of keets to adults. Your momma guineas will be the ones integrating the keets. How high ranking are they? Do their mates seem engaged with the keets? I also add keets from within the flock and I’ve done it with no separation and by sectioning off the keets plus hen, as you are doing. Last year was the first year that I lost keets to the adults so I’ll probably keep separating for awhile from here on out. Last year I let the keets with hen loose with the flock at 2 weeks. It was actually more involved than that as I let the adults out to free range but kept the keets and hen mostly in the coop until 1 month old. I did supervise their initial meet with the flock. It was roughest on the hen who was somewhat lower ranking and was beat a bit by the more dominant hens. The keets were quickly taken in and supervised by the whole flock.
Your situation is a bit different from introducing a group of keets to adults. Your momma guineas will be the ones integrating the keets. How high ranking are they? Do their mates seem engaged with the keets? I also add keets from within the flock and I’ve done it with no separation and by sectioning off the keets plus hen, as you are doing. Last year was the first year that I lost keets to the adults so I’ll probably keep separating for awhile from here on out. Last year I let the keets with hen loose with the flock at 2 weeks. It was actually more involved than that as I let the adults out to free range but kept the keets and hen mostly in the coop until 1 month old. I did supervise their initial meet with the flock. It was roughest on the hen who was somewhat lower ranking and was beat a bit by the more dominant hens. The keets were quickly taken in and supervised by the whole flock.
Thank you that is very helpful. 1 of the males has been by their side most of the time. We giggle at how he goes out to free range and they start squawking - he runs right back. However as of the last few days he hasn’t been doing that as much.
I believe the hens are not real high in raking. We will take all you have said and work through it. I am currently leaning to waiting until at least 8-12 weeks and letting them have a little freedom in the new pen. Probably in a couple of weeks.
Our concern is for the mothers - they seem stressed when the othe guineas are not around. Pacing up and down their tiny run. Hoping the bigger space and a perch will help.???
How on earth did you keep back the keets and let the mamas out to free range? They are so fast! And running up and down the run trying to fly! It is so fun to watch.
Thank you again!
Thank you that is very helpful. 1 of the males has been by their side most of the time. We giggle at how he goes out to free range and they start squawking - he runs right back. However as of the last few days he hasn’t been doing that as much.
I believe the hens are not real high in raking. We will take all you have said and work through it. I am currently leaning to waiting until at least 8-12 weeks and letting them have a little freedom in the new pen. Probably in a couple of weeks.
Our concern is for the mothers - they seem stressed when the othe guineas are not around. Pacing up and down their tiny run. Hoping the bigger space and a perch will help.???
How on earth did you keep back the keets and let the mamas out to free range? They are so fast! And running up and down the run trying to fly! It is so fun to watch.
Thank you again!
Well mine are used to herding with a stick. So I’d go in the coop with my stick and allow the adults out the pop door but block the keets. It would take awhile to get them separated. Once the keets got bigger I couldn’t separate them so that’s when they got to free range with the adults. As for moms pacing, yeah it’s very stressful for them to be separated from the flock.
I had a lone keet in the brooder and a hen that avoided me for one night. When I found her the next morning I put her in my grow out pen and put the lone keet in with her. I watched and she tolerated the keet and made no attempt to harm it. Eventually she got to the point that she would allow it to be right beside her. At 4 weeks, I put her and the keet in the guinea coop inside my release cage. After 3 days I released them. She merged seamlessly back into the flock the keet took a month longer.
Good Evening!
I think it is time to integrate our baby guineas! They are 13 weeks old and quite large now! They have done very well and we put a run off the back so they could be "outside" with the other adult guineas. Close to them but not actually with them. Quite often the adults would lay in the shade next them.
My concern is how do I introduce them? Just take down the chicken wire fencing inside the coop and let them all just be in there together? I really can't think of another way? They need to be in a group for protection by the mama so I'm guessing it's just that easy and we hope everyone gets along?

Oh - I didn't mention that the outside adults consist of 3 males and 4 females. The baby pen has 1 mama adult, 1 male and 4 females. That I am basing on the sounds and the fact that the male is larger than the others.

This picture is them about 2 weeks ago. Mama is the spotted guinea with the white dots on her chest looking at the camera. The 5 babies are eating the lettuce. This is in their outside run. I can't see to get the pictures of the inside to show you. But it's just a sectioned off area inside the coop where they are right beside the adults. Both can see each other all the time.
So I am hoping that with all these things in place its a simple take down the chicken wire divider and everyone gets along?????????
Please tell me if that is wise and what to do to ensure that everyone is safe.
Thank you for your advice!


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