Kentucky people

Just catching up to all the posts, and saw the one about Sligo. They have an animal auction. (Diffeent animals on different days -cows, horses,goats) There are sometimes a few people set up in the parking lot, and I have bought chickens there a few years ago.

I accidentally ended up with a few Orpington mixed chicks..if you don't mind mixes they would be a good start for you. I have 2 incubators going at all times so I always have babies, mostly pure Orps though. I am waiting on some Austrolorp girls to start laying then i will have those as well.
spydertoys Wrote:
I accidentally ended up with a few Orpington mixed chicks..if you don't mind mixes they would be a good start for you. I have 2 incubators going at all times so I always have babies,

Do you give them away or do you sell them? Where do you live?​
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Welcome Jen4, Wilde... where is Sligo?
I keep monitoring this thread. I have to many chicks now. But love to look at other peoples chickens. And I really like Orpingtons. I have one accidental Buff orpington/Black Jersey cross now. She is a lot more skiddish than her pull on my pant leg mom.
Spydertoys... Oh Thank You.... but let me talk to my Dh some more and see. I looked Edmonton County up on the mad and it said its an hour and 12 mins. away from us. We live outside of Bonnieville. If he says ok, then when would be a good day and time for you to have us pick them up?
chiknmama Wrote:

Actually, Edmonton (the city) is in Metcalfe county - confusing eh? LOL.

Oops...Thanks. lol, it is. We've only lived in Hart County for a year now, still learning where and what everything is called :)
Hi all. new to the site. I am in Columbia, which is near the south side of Green River Lake. I go to the Sano goat sale almost every week, if anyone goes. I am the woman who walks around yelling 'Cristian!! Get over here!' all the time LOL. I haven't sold anything there yet, but have bought almost everything there, besides what's hatched. I have banties, banties, and more banties. Live at dad's place, and he has Barred rocks (?), RIR, and leghorns.
My banty count is now up to 74 and hatching!
Ok, finally figured out dad's birds are SLW, not barred rocks!! Amazing what you learn in just a few days!!
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Hey there Shelley!

I'm still finding my way around Kentucky..but I know that Columbia is only about 25 miles from we're neighbors. A friend of mine goes to Sano all the time. I haven't beent here yet but I sure would like to go some time.
He's told me all about it.

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