Kentucky people

I only use a heat lamp if it is damp inside the coop for them - with the rain it has been a bit damp (a bit???!!) so I put one on at night only for them smaller babies (3 week olds), but at 6 weeks, I don't put any lamp on them.

I got mine from Custom Milling, only took two days to get here from Georgia - they ship UPS.

I don't use mine for chickies, though, I may use it on plants for bugs, but not on the chickens anymore. I had problems with it, personally, and don't trust it.

The DE itself might be "safe" to a point, but it (in my opinion) grates on the sinuses and makes it easier for other irritants to mess with the chickens. If they say not to inhale it yourself, I have to wonder how safe it is for chickens who are rolling around in it, breathing it in all the time. Most people don't have any problems with it, though, so I'm not the majority opinion, here.

Personally, I would only use it if I had an actual problem with mites - not as a preventative. I haven't ever had mites yet, so I'll just keep my DE for the garden.

Welcome back Mojo.

I have bought three TV antennae and a converter box and live within 5 miles of about 6 TV stations and still cannot get any decent TV reception. Better quality my HDTV.

So you see Mojo... having you back online is like getting entertainment back into my lifestyle again.
Hey - ya want some cheap entertainment? get a bug zapper

I love ours - I got it out last night to put up again for spring, just haven't gotten it up quite yet (it's sitting in a chair on the deck).

Maybe I'm just sadistic, but those things are fascinating

All of those dang bugs - moths, junebugs, mosquitos... zap, ozone smell, and a bright flash (the big ones make the best Zaps, then they sort of sizzle and fry for a few seconds...

I can sit out on the deck all night and watch those suckers burst into little flames.

eta - my husband laughs at me when one gets near to it, and I start cheering it on to "go into the light".

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Mojo Chick'n :

Hey - ya want some cheap entertainment? get a bug zapper

I love ours - I got it out last night to put up again for spring, just haven't gotten it up quite yet (it's sitting in a chair on the deck).

Maybe I'm just sadistic, but those things are fascinating

All of those dang bugs - moths, junebugs, mosquitos... zap, ozone smell, and a bright flash (the big ones make the best Zaps, then they sort of sizzle and fry for a few seconds...

I can sit out on the deck all night and watch those suckers burst into little flames.

eta - my husband laughs at me when one gets near to it, and I start cheering it on to "go into the light".


Can you see putting one up inside one of your runs? Quick cheap easy protein for the birdies!!
Can you see putting one up inside one of your runs? Quick cheap easy protein for the birdies!!

yeah, but the chickies might get upset if I robbed them of their games. They will spend countless moments chasing each other (when one has the bug and the others want it).

Yesterday I planted some plants outside their run, and I had a big audience of babies (3 week to 8 week olds) standing waiting for me to scare up some bug or another.

Oh, and I put some beans outside the run, too, to climb up the lattice I have on there. I've tried roses (wouldn't climb, died, in fact) and such, but I figure the beans will be good, cause I can toss the vines in to the chickens afterwards, and I MIGHT just get some beans for me, if I can keep the outside chickens off them. I'll let everyone know if the bean vine/shade dispersal system works out for me.

Out of 14 eggs last time, i only had 1 EE and 2 silkie chicks hatch, but they're living and doing just fine.
maybe it was a fertility issue?

maybe all 12 of these babies will hatch.

is incubating duck eggs the same as incubating chicken eggs? or is there a different method.
The weather may have had something to do with it, too - it's been so humid, I haven't had to add any humidity to the bators at all.

The ducks are harder to hatch - I've had lousy luck with them, myself. Other folks have them pop out like skittles from a bag.

Usually I get one lonely little ducky to hatch out of five or more eggs - I am hoping for better luck this time. I have some white call duck eggs in the hatcher that I REALLY REALLY want to hatch. I don't have any white calls, (yet).

On the other hand,the quail eggs that I forgot about totally last week hatched out 100%
- I didn't even take them out of the turner in the incubator - they just hatched right there. (but all the times I fussed over them, I had 0% hatch on quail).

I never did send that manual out to you, did I ? (you can smack me later) sorry, and I think I accidently deleted your PM with the address - if ya still want it, re-send your address, and I'll get it out to ya.


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