Kentucky people

Duck eggs are basically the same, they just need higher humidity.

I went to Sano this past Friday. Sold 8 coturnix quail youngsters, think I got $20 for those. Not too bad. I also took most of the baby ducks I had hatched. I kept 2 because 1) they are cayugas; and 2) baby goose needs some buddies
I am supposed to be getting some more blue and buff american goose eggs this coming week, as soon as I get the checks from school. I have also decided to break down and get some blue goslings from Holderreads, instead of getting buffs from metzer's. They are more expensive, but the owner is cutting me a deal on them, so they aren't as much as they would normally be. I should have my money this week, so I'll be able to pay you back then, Meri.

I had 9 of my 12 bbs ameraucana eggs hatch. One of them is NOT an ameraucana!! DDD has some frizzled naked necks that lay pretty blue eggs as well, so I guess she got one of the eggs mixed in with the others. So I have a splash colored naked neck chick....
I have no idea what to do with this ugly bird!! I hate naked necks
This one is cute, of course, after all it is a baby. But I just hope it's a girl, so it doesn't get huge comb and wattles, cause I'm sure Cristian will want to keep it. He thinks we need to keep everything we hatch. So far, we pretty much have, but I seriously need to cut back.

So if anyone is interested, I have a 'pair' of golden comet chicks, a columbian rock cockerel chick, a pair of RIR chicks, and a sicilian buttercup cockerel chick that all need new homes. I also have some buff and black cochins. These are all standard chicks by the way.

I also have various mixed bantam chicks for sale. I think those are all for now, until I get things set straight and can finally tell what I have exactly and what I need yet. Let me know if anyone is interested.

Oh Meri, did you see my baby pic?? Isn't it just the cutest??
It's trying to act like the crazy ducklings, but it's still loveable
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Mojo Chick'n :

Hey - ya want some cheap entertainment? get a bug zapper

I love ours - I got it out last night to put up again for spring, just haven't gotten it up quite yet (it's sitting in a chair on the deck).

Maybe I'm just sadistic, but those things are fascinating

All of those dang bugs - moths, junebugs, mosquitos... zap, ozone smell, and a bright flash (the big ones make the best Zaps, then they sort of sizzle and fry for a few seconds...

I can sit out on the deck all night and watch those suckers burst into little flames.

eta - my husband laughs at me when one gets near to it, and I start cheering it on to "go into the light".


Mojo we think alike. I found my bug zapper last night after swatting big ol' flys in my house and finding a lot near and in my coops. I just haven't hung it yet.

After selling most all my Barred Rocks I moved the six week old Dark Cornish out to the back yard coop. Well one got away and over into the neighbors yard and I haven't seen it since. Boy they are the most flighty birds I have ever raised. And they can fly. They are not at all like the Delcorns I have.

I did see something was digging under the coop door. Need to set a trap but I'm scared I might get the little Cornish. I'm now getting about a dozen eggs a day. everything from Jumbo to Bantam size from a new starting-to-lay hen.

Moonflowers: Pop57 is right. Don't use the Lowes stuff. It is ment to kill insects, so it has other stuff to help kill them. What you need is Food Grade DE. Make sure it says Food Grade on the bag.

Dave Cash69: Congratulations on your hatch. They are always neat. You are now a Momma. Happy Mothers Day!​
so what can you tell me about geese?

i have 2 goslings
and i dont know if thyere male or female or not.

kind of an impulse buy.

ALSO, The humidity in my bator got up to 81 precent with the new eggs, will this hurt them?

what are some ways to cut back on the humidity
You can put some dry sheets of paper towel in the incubator to suck up some of the humidity. I wouldn't add any water to the bators right now, unless you are hatching waterfowl. All the rain we've had these past few weeks is making it plenty humid around here! You might want to just remove all the water you have in the bator, and add a little at a time, after it comes down. I have an LG and a hovabator, both of them have different sized water wells in the bottom. Put water in the smaller one first, and see how that goes. Remember, humidity goes by the surface area of the water, not how much water is in the well.

Oh, and I know nothing about geese, so if you find out be sure and let me know
I have so many broodies now, it is not even funny! I lost another silkie to it today, so that means all 4 of the silkie girls are setting now. In addition to those I have 4 other chicken hens brooding, plus my dad's game hen. And I have 5 chicken hens with chicks. I also have 2 broody ducks and 2 broody guineas. I am just about out of laying birds!!
I use D.E. every week on all my birds they love to dust bathe in it. I worm my dogs with it and I drink a teaspoon full every day for my joints It works great. Heres my source 50 lb bag @ 27.50 per bag shipping to your door step around 17.

Dont use the stuff at lowes it has extra ingredients you dont want around your birds.


Thanks! I ordered it and can't wait to try it out. Shipping was a little more here ($27) but at least 50 lbs should last me awhile. I know it is going to be useful on my fruit trees and at least I'll have it if I need it for the chickens. I might put a little in their nests once they're built just in case.
Mojo, a bug zapper for entertainment? My you are easily amused and entertained aren't you?

Congrats on all the hatches everybody. Well Ricky and Lucy, my self blue silkies and Liza Jane, my blue splash silky have nine eggs in the nest box now. However neither one has gone broody yet.

My OEGB banties are still broody, and the mille fluer hens have started laying again. I pulled 16 eggs out of that nest today and left them with about a dozen to sit on.

My 7 standard hens are about ready to start laying, I thought my SL Wyandotte had started to lay and go broody as she was in the other nest box the other day, but no egg and she is out and about with the rest of the gang, so I guess she was just trying things out for size. The two buff orps, two RIR, the EE and the Golden Polish I got from Flowerpot, along with the 4 rainbow layer pullets are now about half the size of the big birds and starting to stand up to them so it won't be long before they are all one big flock.

My baby bunnies are now a little bit over two weeks old, eyes are open and looking so cute!
6 more weeks and I can wean them away from momma. I have two brown like momma and two black ones like their dad.

Hopefully I'll get to finish the loft this week and move the pigeons into their own set up and then get started finally on the permanent coop for the chickens.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there.

Happy Birthday to Flowerpot!
There are 2 of them, and I'm pretty sure they are 1 male and 1 female. I would take $10 for the pair...they are at least 2 months old, probably a bit older.

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