Kentucky people

try this its fun, so is this
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Kennedyscochins-the humidity will also go up when the eggs start pipping so you should be fine.

Well all guess who has a broody! It has to be my smallest girl too. Union(Cochin bantam) is huddled up in the corner of the fav nest box so a couple of the girls started laying in the one next to it. Guess maybe I'll find her some eggs... Dint want to disappoint her when her ceramic Cracker Barrel eggs don't hatch in 3 wks.
Corner/main posts for chain link fencing. We're putting our pool up this year so we have to fence in the immediate backyard.
Thanks though. I think we're just going to pound in the line posts if the ground stays moist enough.
hi everyone hopkins county Kentucky here new to this group semi new to ky and to farming 2007. we have about 30 chickens mixed heavy dual purpose probably new hampshire delaware mix mostly. a few buffs, - included in 30 are easter eggers americaunas about 30 guineas and 14 india blue peafowl. we incubate and sell babies in summer. last year new sales of jumbo pearl guineas that went well. this year Lord willing new for us will be americauna - easter egger chicks. we are having fun with the colored eggs. sell a few doz to friends etc.
a special hello to those near hopkins county contact me back at [email protected] thanks k
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Wow what a day 60 degrees here. Wowsa wish it was going to last... spring is close ... right? Next batch of marans due to hatch next weekend along with guinea's as well.

Few still left pickup only no shipping.


Well I am now roosterless. Went out to feed today and found him dead along with two hens, all bantams. My big girls seemed to be fine though. So I guess I'll have to find them a new boyfriend. I also lost three more of my homers this week, probably to hawks or they joined the other group of pigeons that are flying around here.

I also lost the last of my parakeets this week, so I definitely will have to get some more stock from some breeders I know when the weather warms up a bit for shipping.

Don't let this warm weather fool you into thinking it's spring, we still have 4 more weeks to go, but I think the last of the really nasty weather will be this week, and then things should start to change! (I hope!!) I already have the seeds for this year's garden, gonna reconfigure the back yard, move the rabbit cages, put a flight on the pigeon loft, build a better coop and run for the chickens, move the mini-ponds around and lay a brick patio.
FrChuck Sorry about your losses.

Your list looks a little like mine as in too much. We went with all heirloom seed, this time gonna try and save our own seed. Found a new product for gardening liked it so well im selling them. Check out their web site WFGB_3X25 great idea save 75% on watering and eliminate's weeding.

Th DW wants me to build natural swimming pond. Build a large koi pond but no fish... hummmm i dont think so.

These crazy homers started laying today they don't waste any time. Get a glimmer of sun and boom they're starting a clutch.
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