Kentucky people

Hope to see some of you in Leitchfield today... I will have some BEAUTIFUL Wyndotte 7 week old Roos (Blacks and Splash), a very nice Orpington(she is laying) and a 8 week old dark Brahma pullet, and maybe 2 light Brahma bantys.

The roos are not hatchery stock and were bought from a local well known breeder. Bought 6 chicks and a few were roos They would make a great addition to your flock.
Went to Sano tonight not expecting to get anything. Came home with a nice trio of black ameraucanas! Every once in a while you find a diamond in the rough, I got lucky today! The seller had a lot of hard-to-find breeds: Shamo gamefowl, buckeyes, ameraucanas, runner ducks, white rocks (I think), and some blue wyandottes.

I could KICK myself silly for not getting those wyandottes! By the time I talked myself into getting them someone else had already claimed them
Man, those were nice looking birds too
But that's okay, I got the black Am., I needed the roo most. Surprisingly my last hatch of Ameraucanas were all pullets....after I've sold all the black Am. roos I've hatched over the last year or so
I'm going to the Gleasn auction tomorrow and bringing a white ameracauna hen. She just doesn't fit in here. All my other hens pick on her so hopefully she will go to a nice home where she is loved by all. She is a sweetie but I just can't let her be abused. I'll also have 2 buff pullets and 2 mixed buff pullets all 4 will lay in a month or two. I'm also gonna have all 4 of our Lion Head rabbits. We are getting out of rabbits all together and the buffs I just need to make more room in that pen. They have outgrown it.

So if somebody wants a white ameracauna hen thats where one will be. She is just a year old.
I soooo need to take these Call Ducks I have been trying to sale for my mom over to Sano and see if I can get rid of them. Seems nobody around here wants Calls.

Mr. Ree :

[I soooo need to take these Call Ducks I have been trying to sale for my mom over to Sano and see if I can get rid of them. Seems nobody around here wants Calls.


I have been looking for a couple Calls. Where abouts are you located? I am inbetween Park City and Bowling Green.​
I never seem to get to the Swaps any more

I am almost out of Muscovies for the year, and the baby chicks sell out every week and I have orders ahead on some of them. I guess that's a good thing..but I never seem to leave my house any more!!!

The Golden Cascades are starting to lay now so I may not run out of ducks completely. I always have people wanting them throughout the winter. And I kept extra Muscovy hens last year too for this Spring's laying season..I must have sold more than the usual 300 this year. I only have 6 babies left.

Every Silver Spangled Hamburg egg I have gotten since I bought this pair has hatched in the bator..he must be ONE FERTILE BOY!!
The Standard Cochins are hatching like crazy too..must have something to do with the cooler

I got another cabinet incubator the other day, so hopefully I can get caught up and keep a few chicks for myself. (never happens!)

I miss seeing the Tim and Susies gang.
I have been looking for a couple Calls. Where abouts are you located? I am inbetween Park City and Bowling Green.

We went to the Gleason auction today and a pair of call ducks went for $20. A pair of Mandrin went for $25. Is that good? I have no idea. My first ducks are due to hatch on the 27th. These are Pekin that I have eggs from.
I have been looking for a couple Calls. Where abouts are you located? I am inbetween Park City and Bowling Green.

We went to the Gleason auction today and a pair of call ducks went for $20. A pair of Mandrin went for $25. Is that good? I have no idea. My first ducks are due to hatch on the 27th. These are Pekin that I have eggs from.

$20 for Call Ducks is a bargain. I have sold them for friends for $40 a pair easily.
We bought 2 pair and then 2 roos of those little miniature chickens. They are so cute. People where buying them up like crazy. We lost a roo of the bbs pair. He got away from us and Flew the Coop. So the little hen ended up with the other 2 roos. They are just so cute. I have no idea what breed they are I just remember them saying that one pair was BBS. I'll post pics tomorrow when it's daylight and I can take pics. HMM. it being dark I may be able to get some good ones while they're on the roost. I have flash that will probably scare the daylights out of them.
They also had some beautiful Turkeys that i'm sure the seller was very disappointed on what he got. They went for $25 each. One was a Burbon and the other I don't know but it was a brown and white but it was just beautiful. There where more but they where scraggly and they had some scraggly peacocks a pair. I don't know what they went for. We where busy trying to catch our rooster.
OUr Lion Head rabbits went for $19. I don't know if thats good but I was happy. We bought them at another auciton a few months ago for $3 each. Concidering all the feed we still lost out but as far as i'm concerned it was a bargin that they sold. I didn't want rabbits but DH just had to have them. This itme he got a kid. He named him Billy. Real creative.

I told this story on another thread but hre goes again.

We brought 4 hens and 4 rabbits with a total of 3 cages and a pet carrier. We drive a Nissan Maxima. We came home with 9 cages, 5 little chickens and a goat. Billy rode in the front seat in DH's lap. I took the back roads home. We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies.

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