Kentucky people

Thank you so much GardenGirl73 for the tip about the Henderson Chicken Breed Chart, very easy to understand and just what I needed. I am about 7 minutes outside of Taylorsville on 44 towards Mt. Washington. My friend just informed me of the Shepherdsville chicken market that gathers on Saturday mornings, much like a farmers market. I will check that out and keep you posted on anything good :)
Didn't know about the chicken market. Will have to check that out sometime. Glad you found Henderson's Chart. I love it. Wow, you are close. We are on the far side of Taylorsville, takes about 8 minutes to hit Kroger in Mt. Washington. Plum Creek area.
We are in Louisville. Just got 4 EEs. Love them so far. They are fun to watch
Hi Annalithe!
We live in Greenville KY or Muhlenberg County! We specialize in Silkies and starting English Jubilee Orps and Lav Orps! Always looking for more cutie pies! Glad to find a thread of people that are closer to home! We also have our laying flock of assorted pure breds, barred rocks, buff orp, ISA Browns, RIR, Americanas, marans, SLW, and I'm sure i forgot some! LOL

Hi, neighbor! I'm expecting a baby human anytime, but after things settle down, I'd be interested in some pf your lav. orps! I love my buff orps.
Shakerag is in north Hopkins County in case you missed it, which is easy to do!
Ugh...Trying Figure This Thing Out..My Phone Capitalizing Every Friggin First Letter Is Getting Old, But Have Up On Figuring That Out. Anyway...Im From Providence...Wanted One Chicken..To A 4 Year Old, That Means 11. So Now Im Addicted. REALLY want A Silkie Or A Frizzle. Just Wanted To Say Hi To Hopkins And Muhlenburg Counties...Have Family In both.
Howdy Kentuckians,
James Massey here and from 12 miles south of Paducah. We currently have heritage hogs, cattle, chickens, rabbits and recently jumped into raising coturnix quail. I am hoping to acquire some Muscovy ducks soon, they're hard to find around here though!!! Maybe y'all could help a friend out with that...hahaha. Thanks and hope to be here with ya for a long while. Later y'all.
.Wanted One Chicken..To A 4 Year Old, That Means 11. So Now Im Addicted.

Yeah, I know how that is. I only wanted a few guineas to help with ticks. I only got the chickens to help socialize the guineas. I wound up with 19 guineas and 22 chickens!
Unfortunately, thanks to predators, I am down to one guinea. I still have 16 chickens. Only lost two when they were little. The rest were pullets who turned out to be cockerels and got given away.

jmassey, I have friends on the other side of Bowling Green who used to raise Muscovys. I'd introduce you, except the key here is used to. :)
I have Muscovies...lots of them, however, one of my girls just started sitting on her eggs a few days it will be a while. She is a chocolate pied hen who breeds with a chocolate pied drake. I also have blues, whites and the traditional black and white.

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