Kentucky people

Hi and welcome!
I live in Bloomfield, just down the road from you. I would offer the suggestion of Orpingtons. They are very gentle and docile, not to mention large. I started off with them for that reason, but have stayed with them. I purchased six chicks from a friend and told myself that was more than enough. Be warned chickens are like potato chips. I now have 20. The most common are the Buff Orps, but, I raise Blue, Black and Splash varieties. I have also gotten into bearded Silkies. They are really cute. It depends on what you want out of your chickens. Do you want eggs for the table and or meat? Do you want to keep a Rooster and raise a few chicks? I started out slowly to figure out which way to go. The coops I have are progressing. I hope to one day have a walk in. I am no expert but have enough knowledge to help you out. BYC offers tons of help from real chicken experts. It's a great place to start. You can purchase some chickens at a swap. Just be careful and make sure to isolate them for a couple of weeks from any other birds that you may have gotten. You will want to make sure that they are healthy. I have a tendency to become a chicken snob, because I like the lines of Orpingtons that I have. I have not found them at a swap unless they were a cull. You can research the breeds and figure out what fits you. Drop me a line any time. I have a Facebook page called Idle Hour Farm. Stop by and Like it. Again Welcome!

aka Lisa Z.
I agree about the Orpingtons. I've tried other breeds, but always go back to them. Fair warning though, I bought some at swap meets only to find they are half white-egger when mature. The roosters of this mix were super aggressive and heavy fighters. They were sentenced to the stew pot for excessive violence and for injuries inflicted on my senior Buff rooster.
I will be there too. I am bringing an Australorp trio, a Rhode Island Red pair, a Black Copper Marans pullet, and several roosters of various breeds. Oh and 2 long haired rabbits!
I will be there too. I am bringing an Australorp trio, a Rhode Island Red pair, a Black Copper Marans pullet, and several roosters of various breeds. Oh and 2 long haired rabbits!

ah, now you say rabbits! I had started looking for a doe as I had a buck show up out of nowhere Easter Eve (Easter bunny came and never left!
) He thinks my chickens are his mates and doesn't understand why he keeps getting pecked for his advances.
I just bought a young doe today so hopefully he will be happy.
Do you know what line your black copper marans pullet is?
Eggs were purchased from Marsha Campbell of Dunnville, not sure what the line is but she would know.

I know her lines. I have a trio of hers I hatched out. She is talking of going to the swap tomorrow too. :)

I have someone looking for rhode island red, golden comets or red comets whatever they are, white leghorns that are in their first lay. Any good egg layers. Looking for about 10-12 of them if any one has some good healthy ones bring them over to the swap.
HI, I am from Henderson, KY.(just west of Owenboro). We are raising our first flock of 10 Black Australorp (they are 6 wks old last saturday). It has been interesting so far but enjoying every minute.
I have discovered that my order of hens contains a rooster. So I have a Buff Orpington Rooster that needs to find a good home. His hatch date was 4-15-13, so just over 5 weeks old. I am asking $5. Located in Frankfort. You can e-mail [email protected].


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