Kentucky people

Nicholas County KY! We have thirty Leghorns and they are the highlight of my day every day!
Can't remember if I've posted here or not.... I'm down near the KY/TN border. We just have 4 hens (RIR, Buff Orp, Barred Rock, and a Black Australorp), but love having them as part of our farmy family.
I am looking for Orpingtons in all colors to add to our egg flock. We love having the different hens in there and that breed seems to be my wife's favorite. Also would like to add a couple Marans to the flock as well. I am near Park City so please hit me up and let me know what you have.
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  I am looking for Orpingtons in all colors to add to our egg flock.  We love having the different hens in there and that breed seems to be my wife's favorite.  Also would like to add a couple Marans to the flock as well.  I am near Park City so please hit me up and let me know what you have.
I just got some jubilee orpington so maybe by spring I will have some chicks
About 2 months ago I ended up hatching 1 silkie out of 9. So the poor thing is all alone and it so sad for me to see it that way. I'm just looking to get maybe 2 or 3 more so he can have his own little group. But every place online there sold out. Does anyone know where I might find some? Thank you so much

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