Kentucky people

So it looks like I'm getting 1/2 Black copper maran and 1/2 Blue copper maran hatching eggs, which is fine with me. Thanks for the tips! I'm flagging this for when I start them in the hatch next week. I'm looking forward to this one!

I am using egg cartons also, BTW, for the eggs I'm currently incubating and that seems to be working really well. I'm 10 days in and I lost 1 egg, but the other 9 are doing well. I had a furnace blowout/power issue over two days, so I'm thrilled I've got 9 still good.
Post your results when your Marans eggs hatch. We had a power outage right before lockdown when my french cuckoos were due to hatch. I only ended up with 6 out of 10 viable eggs but I was tickled to death to get those! From now on until I invest in a generator, I am saving the egg hatching until March. But I say that every year. It never fails when I have important eggs in the incubator the power goes out because of a snow storm. Best of luck on your hatch!
Hi! Savanah "Savvy" Smith here! Have had a BYC account for about a year now, but haven't really been on much. Found the app for my phone today so may be on more often. We just moved to Lawrenceburg about a year and a half ago. So finally get to have the chickens I have always wanted. Unfortunately I didn't do very well my first year and only have my black osterlope (sp?) bantam, named Onyx, left :-( So hoping to do better this year :-D. Wish me luck y'all! (Tried to add a pic of Onyx to share but didn't work, bummer :-/ )
Howdy! My wife and I are getting ready to move from Cincinnati to a farm in Grant County, KY. It's about halfway between Cincy and Lexington. We're planning on raising some laying hens after moving in. Hopefully getting them early to late June when the coop and fencing are complete.

Anybody on here have a good source for breeders in the area? We're particularly interested in Barred Plymouths, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, RIR's, etc. Ideally we'd get them around 6-10 weeks. Or, old enough to put them directly into the coop. Thanks for your help!
Howdy! My wife and I are getting ready to move from Cincinnati to a farm in Grant County, KY. It's about halfway between Cincy and Lexington. We're planning on raising some laying hens after moving in. Hopefully getting them early to late June when the coop and fencing are complete.

Anybody on here have a good source for breeders in the area? We're particularly interested in Barred Plymouths, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, RIR's, etc. Ideally we'd get them around 6-10 weeks. Or, old enough to put them directly into the coop. Thanks for your help!
Welcome to the KY thread! I see you have been lurking around here for a while.
We are going to be practically neighbors. I live in the northern tip of Owen County. I don't raise any of those breeds, but I can probably help you locate some when you are ready.
[COLOR=008080]:frow  Welcome to the KY thread! I see you have been lurking around here for a while. ;)  We are going to be practically neighbors. I live in the northern tip of Owen County. I don't raise any of those breeds, but I can probably help you locate some when you are ready.[/COLOR]

Yeah, we've been dreaming about raising chickens for years, and are finally getting to do it! I would love any help you can provide me. We won't be ready to buy anything until June, but I'm hoping to start the ball rolling now so that we can hit the ground running.
Hi. I'm in Lexington and we are new to raising chickens. My daughter was given 2 chickens that her school hatched. We are learning all we can about raising chickens because she wants them to be pets.

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