Kentucky people

I live in Greenup, Kentucky right in the corner where Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia meet.

Hey I'm a newbie just wanted to say hi from Carter county. Does anyone know of any swaps or shows coming up?

Thank you! From what I was told there really aren't any inside the city limits! Unless you live in a subdivision or have an HOA. We are within city limits, but not in a subdivision. We have a bit over half an acre, and the man I spoke with said We were good to go then! The only thing that we could ever see us possibly face is a nuisance complaint. But both our neighbors are aware and neither had a problem, they were actually excited! So no worries there!
Be sure to butter them up once in a while with some fresh eggs!

Hello all. I live in Louisville KY and am VERY new to chickens.

Any other east Kentucky people know of anywhere to trade/buy/sell chickens. Other than the paintsville stockyard. I'm from Martin county.

Hello all, I am from Butler KY and some what new to the chicken business! My family always raised chickens and I helped but have never had my own! We started with 6 easter eggers and silkies, then got 3 buff orpings and 3 Cornish rocks (yes I know meat eaters) Now we eneded up with 6 barred rocks! Gotta love chicken math :)
Howdy! My wife and I are getting ready to move from Cincinnati to a farm in Grant County, KY. It's about halfway between Cincy and Lexington. We're planning on raising some laying hens after moving in. Hopefully getting them early to late June when the coop and fencing are complete.

Anybody on here have a good source for breeders in the area? We're particularly interested in Barred Plymouths, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, RIR's, etc. Ideally we'd get them around 6-10 weeks. Or, old enough to put them directly into the coop. Thanks for your help!
Welcome to Ky. How many layers are you looking to get?

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