Kentucky people

Coolness, will be lookin' to hear from ya.

I have to warn you, though - when you see my BO's you're gonna fall in love with those and want some for yourself (don't have spares of those
but you can pet them all ya want

Mojo Chick'n :

Coolness, will be lookin' to hear from ya.

I have to warn you, though - when you see my BO's you're gonna fall in love with those and want some for yourself (don't have spares of those
but you can pet them all ya want


Oh right, what a friend you are...Dangle them in front of me then tell me I can't have one...
Coolness, will be lookin' to hear from ya.

I have to warn you, though - when you see my BO's you're gonna fall in love with those and want some for yourself (don't have spares of those
but you can pet them all ya want


Oh right, what a friend you are...Dangle them in front of me then tell me I can't have one...

what are friends for?

My cockerel (Bubba) is a sweety - and funny as heck - I have one pullets who is about to lay anytime now - and four other pullets who should be laying soon. Bubba is younger than the girls, so no babies for awhile yet - but definately by spring I'll have babies.

I hope Bubba continues to be a good boy - cause he's the last cockerel I have left - I meant to save two of them to choose from - but one of my cockerels turned out to be a Hen! (does that EVER happen to me?? no!) I'm glad I didn't get rid of that "extra cockerel" now

I actually had to switch to dial-up, and surprisingly it got turned on fairly quickly. I believe when I first got dial-up, it took like 24 hours or so before it was working.

ETA: Yes, I still have all the EEs. I believe that one and the rumpless are the only girls
The white one is starting to look like a roo. But they are getting close to laying age
so maybe that's what it is
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Sano was BAD last week - hot, humid - nearly passed out from the heat, myself. Not many people buying - one guy was buying up a lot of ducks, otherwise, not much sold in the parking lot - no idea what went on in the auction, I left early.

Even the produce guy who usually does a good average $150. an hour packed up and left after only about an hour - because no one even wanted to think about food.

I had a bunch of chicks (average 4-5 month olds) both pullets and roos for 4 bucks each, had some quail 2 bucks each, and a pair of call ducks for 15 bucks - sold the ducks, nothing else.

I did notice inside the building at the auction area were a ton of rabbits, not so much poultry when I walked through.

not even as many sellers as usual showed up - might have been catching up on doing Hay or just didn't want to go out in the heat.

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I know that this is a hopelessly pointless question, but I thought I'd ask just in case. I have a light brahma roo who is just over 12 weeks old. I love him to death and don't want to lose him but his crowing at 5:30 is bothering the neighbors. I was thinking of trying to build him a little rooster box and put him in the laundry room at night but after considering it I feel HE might be happier in a place where he doesn't have to be made to feel self conscious about his crow. I know that no one needs roosters but I just had to post this just to give it a try. I just can't stand the thought of the curious and friendly guy getting eaten so I don't want to post on Craigslist. Anyway, if anyone might be interested in giving him a home please PM me. I will happily deliver within 2 hours of Louisville.
Hi Moonflowers, The Librarian at Laynes school will take anything... Her & her hubby just love chickens period girls or boys. Your roo would live his life out total freerange on 5+ acres...Their birds have a coop but most of them prefer the holly tree. Her hubby has an electric wire connected to the ramp going up in the tree so pred.s would get the shock of their life if they tried going up it(he did this after foxes stole some chickens out of the tree). He turns it on at night and off before the chickens wake. The only real pred they have to run off is an occasional stray dog, and when one shows up it conveniently disappears quickly. Oh and an occasional hawk, but with a chicken that big I don't think he'd be bothered. Now the only problem we would have is gettin him down here.
Spring and fall I think are the best times - summer it sort of slows down a bit, I guess, cause of the extreme heat (and no shade out there to sit under).

I did very well this spring - the last three times out have been much slower, though.

Well, Hubby is gonna load up the .22 for me - I have a stray cat problem.

There are a lot of stray cats out here - but the only problem one is this black and white one that has been hanging around. My neighbors cats usually dont come up to the house, because of the dogs - but this one sneaks all over. Toby and Lily chased it off the other night, but it must have come back after they were inside, because it got two of my light brahma chicks - not their whole body, they were inside the coop, but it got ahold of their legs and tore off a leg on each of them.

(the rain has caused a hole under the coop - not large, but big enough for a cat leg to snake in there) so I got cement mix to fix the hole today and the .22 for if I see the nasty critter around.

Now, I would think Coon, cause I've had problems with coons before - But... The critter had to be inside the waterfowl pen, and it didn't even disturb the ducks and geese - so that makes me figure it's that cat. A coon wouldn't be intimidated by the ducks or geese, a cat might.

Plus, I've seen this cat hanging around for a week or so - usually up by the barns, and not close, but it was right by the coops the other night, and one night I went out to close the coop, and Toby was standing guard right outside the open coop door. When he saw me coming he figured I had that covered so he took off into the pasture after whatever he was guarding against. (he's such a good dog
when he's outside and can guard, that is - too bad he likes to sleep by the bed with mama

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I live on the border of South Fulton and Martin Tennessee. I have to sell most of my flock and I have 6 laying hens and the rest are younger. Some only have a few months to go before they lay. I have mostly hens and pullets and a couple of roos. I placed an ad in the chicken selling section if you want a detailed list or you can PM me. I really need to get these birds new homes very soon. Yesterday wasn't soon enough. They range from $10.00 to $3.00 each, depending on age and breed. I do have a Lavender Orphington chick that seems to be catching peoples eye but they are too far away to drive to pay $4.00 for a chick. It is a pullet and she is lavender everywhere except for her ends of her toes, they are pink, Her beak is a different color, kind of darker. I don't have a good pic of her unfortunately. The link below is to my pphotobucket page so you can see all my birds. The Phoenix (AO's) and banthams i'm keeping. Look around and I hope there is someone you like and can buy.

Just PM me if your interested. I try to check back as often as I can.

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