Kentucky people

I got a flyer in the mail yesterday from Tractor's Supply. For those of you that shop at them you can get a coupon for $5.00 off your next purchase either in the store or online. Just go to the following link and fill out the information required.

They will email you the coupon, just print it out and take it with you. I also got an email with a coupon code for 15% off any online order of $50.00 or more from them.
Sad news for those of you that remember my BTB Jap pair I used to have. Well first off they hatched 9 BTB Jap chicks. Little Bit was an excellent and protective momma. Well, just the other day we went to visit them at the folks house we gave them to. And Terminator(the daddy) and a black bantam hen was with the babies taking care of them and there were only 7 left, we thought it a little odd. Bill walked into the garage as we were looking at the babies and told us that a predator snatched Little Bit and 2 of her babies out from under the garage door she had the babies in a corner by the door. Bill tracked and took care of that predator the next day, Little Bit was their favorite of the ones we gave them because she was so sweet.
I told Bill I could be wrong, but it looked like there were several girls in what babies were left... Like around 4-5 girls and a boy maybe two if the other wasn't a girl.
Mojo Chick'n :

I'd be happy to take him, but I live quite far from ya - I'm down at least two hours from Lousiville. (bottom end of Adair County). I started out with 25 light brahmas, not sure if any of them are roos (or what quality they'll be). Looks like I got a LOT of girls. They are about 12 weeks old, also, but no crows yet, and no real big difference in their looks, either (I did have one for sure cockerel - he is one of those who got killed last night

Hope you find someone to take him off your hands. I love light brahmas - they are such big pet babies.


Meri, I am SOO glad you are taking him. My husband and I just love the little fella. Since this is my first experience with chickens I don't know if he's a "good" rooster but I know he is very very fun. I have tried to teach him to let the girls eat treats first and he's gotten better about it but he likes to "whine" until he gets to eat. He does seem to herd them into the run when it is time to go back in though. I will miss him greatly but am happy someone actually WANTS him and will be able to give him a happy home. Maybe I'll even be able to hear stories and see pictures of him
. It is kind of a far drive but it's not so bad since I'll know he'll have such a great momma and plus I'll get to see all your chickens (which will be lovely for me since the day I opened my box from the hatchery was the first time I ever held or dealt with a chicken). I am greatly looking forward to the trip and it will be all I can do not to wake my DH up earlier than normal to come, especially since he normally sleeps until 3

Cindy, I am sorry to hear that about your chickens you had given away, how sad. Have you managed to aquire the 6 hens you were promised yet?​
Poor Terminator! That is amazing that he took on the care of the chicks though, it's funny how the bantam roos are, isn't it? I hope he forms a bond as tight as he had with Little Bit, I know they were inseperable. I bet he was crushed, the darn thing must have gotten her at night? I know Terminator would have sacrificed himself to save his girl
Poor guy.
That truly sucks - that's pretty much how the cat (or coon, Chris seems to think coon) got my chicks the other night - just enough space to get a paw in there to grab them. If they hadn't of slept on the floor, they'd have been fine.

Well, the news here is we are gonna do cows - not just one or two cows

The boys have some fun coming to help us get the fencing up, but we plan to fence in a big chunk of the property (8 or 10 acres) and put in 6 or 8 cows. They'll hate it, but I already told them the free ride is over - either they get a job (and pay rent), move out, or help on the farm. Jon is on vacation up in Michigan, Sam is going up there this weekend, and I'll have a couple of weeks peace without them, but once they return Jon better have a plan for his permanant move, or be prepared to sweat.

Sam is already not thrilled about it. I told him that if this "cap and trade" bill passes that our electric costs will double, so they need to contribute or get out.

Chris and Tony (neighbors) have been talking to us about the cows - Chris paid off his house and bought more property just by doing cows. I'm ready for something to start paying on the farm more than the chickens do. I'm glad they (the chickens) are paying the feed bill, but I need more than that if I have to pay higher electric bills. Tony is just getting into the cows, but he is already in love with them, and is making good money from them.

I SO do not want to have to get a job!! I'll sweat and work hard here, but I don't want to punch someone else's timeclock (and deal with the stress that goes with that).

Well, got to go talk to hubby to figure out when we're gonna start that fence (luckily half of it will be through the woods - harder to run fence, but at least it'll be shady

how many fellow kentuckians would be interested in feeding sunflower seeds if they were priced close to corn on 50 lbs, and would you rather them be cracked then left in the hull (some debate the hulls cause impacted crop) i am thinkin of plantin a double crop of sunflowers and wonder if they would sell.
I'll do that. We might be getting one calf in the next few days - we're trading Tony a tractor part for it (hubby is installing the tractor part, so as long as it works, I may get a calf out of the deal
) The part is brand new - just need to make sure it works on Tony's tractor.

meri (who had her power go out for a good two hours or more.
thank goodness for generators).
Well, I was NOT gonna go to sano tonight - too darn hot last time. But hubby wanted to go get feed, so I half heartedly threw about 14 roos (might have been a couple pullets in there) into a few cages and loaded them up.

I pulled in and hardly anyone was there yet - but the guy who bought the pair of calls off me last time came over and bought all but two of the chickens, and the guy with him bought the other two - It was sprinkling, so I'm not sorry I sold out, but shoot - I hadn't even unpacked totally

I figured with the rain that hubby's feed guy wouldn't show with those bags of feed out getting wet in the rain, so we left. Took me longer to drive out there than to sell out today (I hadn't even parked before he was on his way over to see what I had)
- some weeks I guess it pays to go and others ya just sit around and then take them home with ya.

Oh, and the guy asked if I had any more ducks for sale, I told him just those four "whatever-they-are" - he said bring em along next time, he'd probably buy them.

When we got home it really started to storm, so I'm glad we left when we did.

well, gonna go get some icewater and maybe hop in the shower to cool off. (trying to avoid turning the air on tonight.)

I guess I'll call Larry and see if he'll come this way next week and pick me up...I hope Cedar Ridge comes tomorrow for those quail, I'm almost out of diapers for my kid.

Then I'll get to have fun finding a way into town.....
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