Kentucky people

Well, Moonflowers and her Hubby just left. They brought me some blueberries (MMMMM) and some muffins and the most beautiful Light Brahma cockerel (who is very happy with the jackpot of ladies he has in his pen - even if most of them won't be his eventually
he is flirting while he is there with them.)

I'll get some pics to post, but BOY is he big already, he is gonna be a bruiser when he reaches his full size. He is already as big as Eleanor (my brahma hen, 1.5 years old) and he is only 12 weeks old. My other brahma chicks look like banties compared to him

I am very happy with this boy, and he'll make a great flock roo

Thanks Moonflowers (and her hubby)

Ok, here he is

Feathers ...



Chillin' with his Homegirls....

check out how small (in the corner) my other brahmas look compared to Feathers.

And... cannot forget (cause he's jealous as all get out and kept trying to eat my toes for attention...)

here Bubba is pretending he is not interested....
Well, Meri, it was so nice to meet you and your hubby and see your lovely farm. I loved seeing Feathers out flirting with the girls, he seemed so happy. And he can crow his heart out there without any neighbors to complain. It is nice to see some pictures of him. It was definitely worth the drive to see him in a happy home. Thanks again for taking him, I can't wait to "meet" some of his babies
Definately can't wait to see babies from this pretty guy

I am happy that he fit right in - he just walked in and joined the group - no problems at all. Of course, I've been swapping chicks in and out of that pen for awhile, so they are probably used to birds coming and going

That pic of him dustbathing with the girls was how I found him when I walked out to take the pictures
he didn't want to get up to pose for me. Once he figured out I was snapping pics, he got into the groove, though

My one neighbor who hears my roosters says she loves to hear them crow, and wishes I had more roosters (at one point I had about 10 roosters who crowed a LOT! - she loved it
I wasn't quite so happy with so many crowing at once.)

The other neighbor must block out the roos, cause all she says she ever hears is TeaCake (the donkey) or the Ducks when they get going.

Tea woke me up this morning heehawing - he thought I was oversleeping and he wanted his corn NOW!! silly donkey

eta - the muffins were a big hit Thanks

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Mojo Chick'n :

Ok, here he is

Feathers ...

Chillin' with his Homegirls....

check out how small (in the corner) my other brahmas look compared to Feathers.

And... cannot forget (cause he's jealous as all get out and kept trying to eat my toes for attention...)

here Bubba is pretending he is not interested....

That white one looks alot like my mixed roos, except for the feathered feet. SLW hen and Dom roo make a very pretty mix. Mine always seem to be roos though.​
Could somebody please tell me how to get to the wednesday sale in Mayfield KY? I know I saw it in this thread one day but I just can't find it. I have a bunch of chickens I need to sell. I would like to know what it is like there also. Do I need to bring shade for them? Or is it inside? I obviously have never been and I don't want to loose any birds from heat stroke or myself to it either. I have 27 birds that I need to sell and they may be a bit cramped in their cages. It's also about a 30 minuted drive just to get to mayfield.

I have put these birds on craigslist in a couple of places, on this site and on another chicken site. I have flyers up and I tell everyone I see. I have had no luck at all. It's not like they see my birds and say no. Nobody has even came out to see them. I've had a few inquiries but thats all. We need to move closer to my daughter and my brother is having heart surgery and there are other things going on and these birds need homes. I also have a few dogs but have had no luck there either.

Thanks to who ever helps me out.
Mojo Chick'n :

Ok, here he is

Feathers ...

Chillin' with his Homegirls....

check out how small (in the corner) my other brahmas look compared to Feathers.

And... cannot forget (cause he's jealous as all get out and kept trying to eat my toes for attention...)

here Bubba is pretending he is not interested....

Looks like we're gonna have to sneak a BO pullet into my coop when you get them built up enough.

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