Kentucky people

I LOVE Bam Bam
bambam it is

We had some kind of attack last night, I'm thinking it was coyotes. My black silkie hen is missing, but the chicks she had left (she had lost 4 of them a couple days ago) were still out there. My BTB jap hen that was sitting on eggs is also gone, and I haven't seen my mille fleur d'uccles pullet yet today. She roosts in the building though, so I'm hoping she is just hiding somewhere and laying.

The reason I think it was coyotes is because that pup is also gone. Dad's beagle was on the porch last night barking his head off. I went outside, and all the dogs were barking. This is unusual. There are a couple that bark a lot, but not all of them. We have looked everywhere, and can't find that pup.
So I'm thinking it was coyotes, and they've killed the pup. Poor Cristian is devastated, he was so attached to it already.
Oh my, I am so sorry for your huge loss, that's awful... Hope the pup finds its way back... Maybe take the hounds in the woods to see if they can sniff it out or at least find a trail. I wonder if you had let one of your big dogs loose during all the barking if they would have found the trail. Time to spend the night on the porch with gun in hand and lots of mosquito repellent.
Yeah, I'm planning on sitting out there for a while with dad's shotgun, and I'm debating on which dog to move closer to the birds. We only have 2 that are big, dad's pit and my GSD. I'm just afraid that if it is coyotes, they'll kill the dog. I can't let Baby run loose, she'll kill the chickens herself.
We were searching for the pup, I'm thinking it has probably gotten killed by them, if it was coyotes.
I guess, he's never loose, so I don't know for sure. The chickens do go around him some, and he never pays any mind to them. The only problem is figuring out what to tie him (or Baby) to, they are pretty strong dogs!

Me and Cris are going over to the government land, to see if we can find that pup.
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Well, we didn't find the pup, no surprise there. The mille fleur pulllet is out and about, so evidently she was just hiding out somewhere laying. I really need to re-do my set-up. I'm wanting to make some better tractors for my breeds, but I don't have the funds....I hate being broke!!

I'm hoping the pup is just lost somewhere, and will come back. Hoping, but I doubt it.

On a lighter note, we got a real close look at a hawk. Apparently it was injured, and couln't fly. Princess and Jug found it, and chased it out of the woods. It was about half as tall as Cris, and it's wingspan was probably 3-4 feet. Very pretty! I was going to call the F&W guys, since birds of prey are supposed to be protected, maybe they could rehab it, but I figured they probably wouldn't bother. Hopefully it will get better on its own. It couldn't get any lift, only about 6 inches off the ground. It sure was trying though.
It just so happens that they have a meeting at 10am every Thursday at the Raptor center so I'll just drive over there in the morning and ask if they could do anything for the hawk... In the meantime here is a link to their site so you can identify which one it was if you want to. Go to "bird information" under the FAQ section.
Okay, looking at other pics, I know it's not a red-tail. But I'm thinking it's not a coopers either? It seems like it was bigger than that. I'm going to google search and see what else I can find.

Okay, scratch that. I went to the carolina raptor center website, and it looks like red tailed hawks come in many different colors. They are also bigger than a coopers, so I'm thinking it was a red tailed. I don't remember it having a red tail though? I was more interested in keeping the dogs from mauling it, rather than getting a good description. One of these times I'll remember to take my camera with me, last time we went walking on the government land we saw some pheasants. Of course, no one believes us
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Well, DD has gone awol again - not sure if she is hiding on eggs (I doubt it, sort of late in the season to have eggs from her) or if she got taken by a hawk.

She and Joe fly out of the pen every morning, and I didn't see her this morning - all morning, then she showed up for a bit this afternoon, and at bedtime she was no where to be found.

I hope she's just hiding - I have not seen an egg from her in a long time, but I know she hides in the tall grass and makes like she is laying - always prowling around looking for another hiding spot.

I hope she shows up tomorrow or even later tonight. If I see her out tomorrow eating, I'll follow her to find where she is hiding.

Dang Duck!!

oh, btw - Opie isn't a hereford, he's a red holstein - still, he's gorgeous.

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