Kentucky people



I just got back a little while ago from spending 2 hours at the fairgrounds helping out Metro Animal Services set up temporary quarters due to the flooding here in Louisville. The rains flooded out their whole complex and they had to move the animals ASAP. I took three crates that I am no longer using to help them house some of the dogs/cats. Apparently they lost 1 dog, and some cats to the flooding before they could get everybody out.

Once the water subsides and OSHA gets through checking things out they will either move back there or have to build an entirely new facility. (Which I really hope they do!) So if anyone who lives near Louisville has some free time and can help out go to gate four at the fairgrounds and tell them you are there to help Metro Animal Services with the animals. They are using the pavilion behind the West Wing to hold the animals. They can also use cleaning supplies, towels, dog and cat food.
That's terrible. If I hadn't just bought feed yesterday (aka I'm broke now) I would at least donate something to them. I hope they don't have to vacate, I couldn't imagine how long it would take to build a new facility!!
They may be able to use the current facility temporarily, but they really do need to build a new facility or at least renovate someplace for use. They will only be able to use the fairgrounds for about 10 days at the most, as the State Fair starts the 20th and set ups for exhibits start around the 14th/15th of the month.

By the way, one of the animals there tonight was a Zebu calf, not sure of it's sex, it was peacefully chewing it's cud amidst all the bedlam of barking dogs and meowing cats.

My backyard was partially flooded, luckily the chicken runs, although a muddy mess, didn't flood. Gonna have to clean runs once all this stuff starts to dry out.
Actually I really need to clean the runs out and add that stuff to the compost pile so it will be good and ready for next year's garden. Just have to figure how to keep the chickens from being underfoot while I shovel their mess up.
They know when I come in with the shovel they will find some tasty bugs once I start digging.
kycowgirlchick He'll be back on... He hops on n off from time to time. Hey did you see the pic of the mini donkeys I posted a few pages back for Meri's enjoyment. I just noticed you also have some...
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oh yeah I love the mini donkeys. I have a pair and really need to get another gal. Here they are.

Not really a good picture. I need to get another one. He is actually white with black spots. That was early in the year. They look good now where they have shedded off.
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Good morning everyone!! Looks like we might have gotten some more rain last night
I think we had enough yesterday, but oh well!

No word yet on the t-shirts, I hope he can do them! That would be so neat
Is it September yet? I so want this chickenstock to be like NOW!!
But I have nothing ready, so I guess I should wait
I am on and off. I sneak on while at work when no one is looking. So I sign on to see whats going on and log back off. Sorry. I always miss the good conversations anyway.
Has anyone ever vaccinated their chicks for MG and Coryza. With all of the sickness I have had lately, I decided to. We did all of our about 300 chicks last weekend. Then we have to do it again 2 1/2 weeks from now.
I thought since all of these were going to Cookeville that would help them. But hopefully this will take care of alot of our problems to. We will see.

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